I would appreciate advice from the brains trust on how best to follow up missing bonus point in my circumstances.
I met the minimum spend criteria and following the
"wait eight to ten weeks for points to post"... the 100k bonus points
should have posted on or before 28 February.
Due to work travel I didn't follow up quick enough when that date passed.
My last statement was 19 Feb with payment due 5 Mar. However, a typo when entering BPay details meant the payment didn't process and by the time I realised my error, my payment was 4 days late. I've now payed off the card entirely just to be safe.
To pursue the missing bonus points should I:
1. Wait until my next statement is generated on 19 Mar and hope the bonus points appear.
2. Phone to explain they were due by 28 Feb and ask for them to be manually processed.
3. Use the
@Dr Ralph method with a letter alleging breach of contract and asking for both the bonus points and a fee waiver.
4. Another options?
Normally I'd take option 3. However, I'm slightly concerned they'll claim my late payment means that my account wasn't in good standing. I'd then have to argue the account was in good standing on 28 Feb - the date of their breach. I'd rather be 100% squeaky clean if taking this approach.
Given the late payment was my fault I'm inclined to seek a friendly rather than legal solution in the first instance.
How do you think I should play it?