Under the Federal Privacy legislation you are entitled to request a full digital copy of the call recording. Make this request after you have asked the agent to spell their name for you, note the time your call started & how long you've been speaking so far. Warn, nicely, that if this call suddenly drops out then it can be traced as you have all the necessary details. There is a time period for your request to be dealt with etc etc, failure to meet time limits = fines...
I have a nice collection of calls, many of which I've forwarded to various company secretaries (after speaking with them & volunteering that I have an audit trail for them to follow-up) such as Qantas, JetStar, CBA, Westpac, Citibank, Coles (more recently Westfarmers, but not yet Coles again), Woolworths, Optus, Telsta, BUPA, HCF, AHM, Lenovo...
Some were sent to the ACCC to help in investigations & eventually fines for 'illegal' activities.
Many call centre staff will argue that they don't provide copies etc. Response: the contract signed by your company with X (Qantas, Coles etc) states you will abide by all applicable Australian legislation and specifically names the Federal Privacy legislation as one important one. If you do not know how to process my request then please Farhan (today's agent) put me onto your supervisor/team leader, ...