SHEREEN in CAPETOWN is the absolute

Oh my gosh I am in shock I have my tickets( all of them) I actually called on this number 03 96585302 after finding it somewhere for frequent flyer. I explained the whole scenario over the last few days and the 22 calls backward and forward. She actually took the time to look into it and was in shock she said seeing how many times the booking had bounced back and forward and nobody had solved it. She put me on hold a lot while calling other departments and came back to me several times. She found my points in Qantas space somewhere buried deep in the booking and said something about a code wasn’t issued for them on the booking so they were fixing that up. Then she said the same thing with my original payment it didn’t have any authorisation codes attached to it to link it or some rubbish( sounds like someone didn’t tick a box somehwere). She proceeded to process a new payment on a different card ( I freaked thinking i would be charged twice ) and once that finalised she said both the points and taxes had authorisation codes in their system now ( I am so baffled why they didn’t before) and it would be ticketed in 24hrs but she will flag it and keep an eye on it and call me if there’s an issue. Now during our two hour plus chat she accidentally hung up on me once and called me right back apologising for losing me, then the second time my phone dropped out for no reason at all, I was on hold at this point so I thought “here we go again” I gave up and started to make the kids dinner.imagine my shock 40 minutes later getting a call from her saying she had been working on the booking back end and wanted to call me back to tell me the update. The fact this woman called back twice and explained everything I think deserved a massive positive feedback ( even if I didn’t believe her that this time it was sorted) I asked for her name and department so I can pass on good feedback and she immediately got so excited and transferred me to her manager who took a word by word transcript of my positive feedback. Maybe this helped?

I told her manager that even if this still wasn’t fixed or sorted I thought she still deserved the praise as she was so wonderful to deal with and the only person in 22 calls who actually wanted to help me, who sourced the problem and actually fixed it. The manager assured me this was def fixed and she said she could see shereen even had flagged her system to follow this through if it rejects again.
So imagine my shock, I’m sitting here at 11pm at night thinking of a plan of attack for playing a hang up game tomorrow and trying to get Hobart, as well as starting to draft a letter to Stephanie Tully explaining all my experiences screenshotting my 22 phone calls, rattling off the names of the callers from when I started taking them at about call #15, and suddenly 8 ETICKETS hit my inbox. All ticketed all flight. My gosh it’s fixed
It may have just been pot luck, it may have been me giving her a raving review to her manager or maybe it was just finally my turn

So 22 calls later ( where I’ve spoken to some) I got one decent person who actually wanted to help. That’s some good odds right there

new email draft to Stephanie begins.
Thankyou everyone for every ounce of advice