Don't agree with the either opt in or out argument. Noticed when we were in the States that United have a facility on their notification service that allows you to set a period for don't disturb, defaults to 23:00 - 6:00 I think and am pretty sure this also allows time zones to be used.How do you opt in / out?
I can understand the argument that Qantas should send these messages out at early as possible. I would want to be notified ASAP if I was booked on an international flight that was cancelled. Especially if the flight they moved me onto wasn't until the following day.
But in this case I was on a MEL-SYD and the flight they moved me on to was 15 minutes earlier. Being woken up at 5am to tell me I need to get to the airport in 12 hours instead of 12.25 hours doesn't seem that sensible to me, but I seem to be in the minority on that.
I don't leave my phone on silent because I work with people in many different timezones who occasionally need to get in touch urgently during the night.
Being in computing myself I don't think this is that hard of a system to setup and definitely provides an "enhanced" customer service.
Of course didn't work for us because United waited until we had actually arrived at the airport and even checked in before cancelling the flight but nevertheless I still believe this is one enhancement Qantas could pretty easily make.