While slots, aircraft utilisation and many other matters may be relevant and reasons why it cannot easily happen, surely it would make sense for one of these SYD - HKG flights to depart SYD at night and arrive HKG in the morning, with a daylight return flight HKG - SYD? Spacing the departures is generally preferable to having two in quick succession whether it is an airline, a railway operator, ferry company or bus line. Some passengers want day flights; others prefer overnight flights. Why not meet both expectations?
Spacing flights and giving choice to pax is not rocket science. This is one of the reasons that the competitor airlines win business: greater choice of flight times. The other key point for many pax is point-to-point flights (i.e. not having to change at a horrible hub), even if there is an intermediate stop en route. If hubbing minimising connection hassle e.g. all in the same terminal, helps. If QF wants to do this then it would be better to reinstate international terminal departures for these connecting sectors.
QF's propensity for supersized aircraft (resulting in 1/d flights) and hubbing (via SYD) are two reasons they lose customers, revenue and profit.