Qantas Delays/Cancellations

Continuing with Wednesday 10 July, QF493 (1915 hours SYD - MEL airborne at 2012, B738 VH-VYB) had to hold above Mt Buller and has now done a complete circuit of MEL (right around it), probably due to the bad weather. It is displaying as arriving at gate at 2225 hours, 95 minutes late (after taking off from SYD about 45 late.)

QF653 (A332 VH-EBM, the 2035 hours transcontinental MEL across to PER) took off at 2244 so arrival is an estimated 0058 on Thursday 11, 133 minutes behind schedule.

The 1910 hours BNE - MEL took off at 1951 (about half an hour late) as QF637. VH-VYJ is arriving at 2300 hours, 85 late. So it too lost 55 minutes in total, but a longer sector than SYD - MEL.

QF823 from CBR down to MEL (VH-VZV) is the 2010 hours airborne at 2118, about 55 late. Arrival is 2306, 106 late so again, roughly 50 minutes longer than the timetable says, but the highest percentage delay of it and the previous two flights given CBR to MEL is a shorter sector.
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With 10 July 2019 drawing to as close, the southbound SYD - MEL flights QF487 and QF491 are respectively 115 and 83 minutes late after quite lengthy holding patterns in the usual location ATC decrees above Mt Buller.
On Thursday 11 July, QF408 (0700 hours MEL - SYD airborne at 0740) has A332 VH-EBJ with arrival estimated as 0856 hours, 31 late.

QF128 (Wednesday 10's 2045 hours HKG to SYD, B789 VH-ZNB) took off at 2159 hours so on Thurday 11 it is arriving at a claimed 0828 hours, 48 late.

VH-ZNE is on the twice weekly QF96 from LAX to MEL that on Thursday should arrive at 0926 hours, 61 late.

QF2051 (0810 hours morning MEL down to DPO) is predicted to depart at 0950 hours, 100 minutes late.

The 0820 hours MEL - LST, QF2281, has got the bullet. QF430, the 1200 'high noon' MEL - SYD is also cancelled, as is QF448, the 1645 hours northbound.
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Later on Thursday 11 July, QF422 (1000 hours MEL up to SYD) took off at 1105 with B738 VH-VXM. Arrival should be at 1216 hours, 51 late.

A333 VH-QPE on QF33 (0955 hours SYD - KIX) did not become airborne until 1110 hours so expected arrival is 1944 hours, 44 late. This will delay the returning redeye, QF34.

QF612 (1010 hours midmorning MEL - BNE) with B738 VH-XZH was in the sky at 1058, so resultant predicted arrival is 1252 hours, 32 late.

The 1210 hours SYD - MNL, a frequently delayed flight, is expected to depart at 1330 with arrival at 1950 tonight, 80 minutes behind schedule. The 2000 hours MNL - SYD redeye, QF20, will be stuck in MNL until at least 2100.

UPDATE: QF19 departed SYD at 1407, 117 late with MNL arrival forecast as 1957 tonight, 87 late, delaying the return flight QF20 to at least 2110 hours in pushing back.
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Thursday 11 July's QF1 from SYD to SIN and on to LHR has been delayed by 1505 minutes - just over 25 hours - to depart SYD at a projected 1700 hours on Friday 12. The QF website flight status is incorrectly claiming it will arrive LHR at 1025 hours on Friday, which would only be 245 minutes late after departing SIN at what the website claims is '0050 hours on Saturday 13.)

A388 VH-OQD has not been used since arriving on Thursday 11's morning at 0506, four minutes early so it may be the failed aircraft.

The Friday 12 (evening) 2105 hours LHR - SIN - SYD has been altered to depart at 0920 hours on Saturday 13 July, 725 minutes late with eventual arrival at 1655 on Sunday afternoon, 14 July in SYD rather than 0510, so 705 minutes behind schedule.

Hoteliers will be happy. Some passengers with tight schedules in SIN or LHR may not be. As always, contributions from any AFFer affected re hotels, transfers and meals provided - and where, and what amount(s) - would be welcome, plus any flights on which travellers were or are to be rebooked on. This gives others an indication of how a severe delay like this is handled by airlines.

QF7, the Friday 12 July 1235 hours lunchtime long flight from SYD to DFW is predicted to depart at 1755 very late in teh afternoon, arriving at 1825 hours, 325 late.

It is a while since two A388 QF departures scheduled ex SYD have been concurrently delayed.

A388 VH-OQA on QF35, Thursday 11 1155 hours MEL - SIN arrived at 1843, 48 late.

Due to late running of 'the 12' across the USA from JFK, QF16, the LAX - BNE departed behind schedule so Friday 12 sees its arrival as a predicted 0636, 31 late.
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The Friday 12 (evening) 2105 hours LHR - SIN - SYD has been altered to depart at 0920 hours on Saturday 13 July, 725 minutes late with eventual arrival at 1655 on Sunday afternoon, 14 July in SYD rather than 0510, so 705 minutes behind schedule.

Om the phone to BA now trying to sort out what we will be doing.

We are ticketed on BA15 LHR-SIN then QF2 SIN to SYD (with connection through to BNE). QF have rebooked the SYD-BNE, and I am just trying to see who organises the compensation and EU261 (for 2 pax).

Am quite happy to book myself and claim on travel insurance, but am trying to confirm which airline I hit up for the EU261- I assume BA as that is who I depart LHRon, but QF is responsible for the delay - this is all one ticket, but on BA stock.
Thursday 11 July's QF1 from SYD to SIN and on to LHR has been delayed by 1505 minutes - just over 25 hours - to depart SYD at a projected 1700 hours on Friday 12. The QF website flight status is incorrectly claiming it will arrive LHR at 1025 hours on Friday, which would only be 245 minutes late after departing SIN at what the website claims is '0050 hours on Saturday 13.

It isn't usually the case that I know someone travelling on a massively delayed flight, but a friend's relative checked in at noon on Thursday 11 July in SYD for what turned out to be the 25 hour delayed QF1.

My friend reports:

' usual QF hopeless. Checked in at noon and at 2230 struggling to get a hotel room in Sydney.

Massive inconvenience as she has to get (elsewhere) so problems for her,, trains, connecting flights.

She was offered a $15 meal voucher at about 1600 and another $15 one about 1800 hrs."

I haven't yet found out if the lady was granted an hotel room in Sydney and if so, which hotel.

In case it can't be deduced, my friend travels extensively but does not have a high opinion of Qantas Airways.
In addition to the delays to QF1 and QF7 above, QF2 from LHR to SIN overnight on Thursday 11 July operated normally for its initial sector. However the scheduled 1930 hours departure from SIN on Thursday night is expected to be off blocks at 0615 on Friday 12, arriving SYD at 1600 hours instead of 0510, so 650 minutes late. This A388 will then form the 320 minute delayed QF7 at 1755 today ex SYD in a minimum turnaround situation.
The overnight delayed QF2 (SIN to SYD) departed at 0648 hours on Friday 12 July with arrival having just occurred at 1601 for A388 VH-OQC.

Thursday 11 July's QF2 pushed back in LHR at 2247 hours, 102 minutes late, so Friday night arrival in SIN is estimated as 1900 hours, 95 minutes late. In turn this will mean that the flight is late into SYD on Saturday 13.
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It is most unusual to have two QF1 flights departing SYD within 23 minutes, but that occurred on the afternoon of Friday 12 July.

QF1, the scheduled Friday 1555 hours SYD - SIN - LHR departed SYD at 1650 hours with SIN arrival estimated at 2302, 47 minutes late. The A388 is VH-OQJ. It took off at 1707 hours.

Following is QF1D (VH-OQD) , the Thursday flight that pushed back in SYD on Friday 12 at 1713 and was airborne 15 minutes later. This badly delayed flight has a predicted intermediate stop from 2325 (70 late) to 0050 (Saturday 13, 55 minutes late) with estimated LHR arrival after 0700 on Saturday. The QF site has not updated to show the latter.
In more on Friday 12 July, the BNE - MEL QF627 has B738 VH-VYL and is arriving at 1920 hours, 45 late.

Earlier, QF19 departed SYD 117 minutes late at 1407, arriving at 2006 in MNL, 96 late. This will delay QF20 (the redeye) to about 2120 in its pushback.
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It isn't usually the case that I know someone travelling on a massively delayed flight, but a friend's relative checked in at noon on Thursday 11 July in SYD for what turned out to be the 25 hour delayed QF1...

This passenger was accommodated at the Novotel Wolli Creek (official title is 'Novotel Sydney International Airport', and it's a former Mercure), and remains on QF1 (25 plus hours late), is booked only to SIN on that, then SQ324, the 2355 hours tonight to AMS (timetabled arrival 0715) and finally KL1471, the 0800 hours AMS to GLA where she should arrive at 0845 hours on Saturday 13.

Interesting to see QF using SQ, but it may be that QF1D is booked solid between SIN and LHR.

The connections are tight, but presumably achievable (including for luggage) if the SQ flight is punctual (or early.) In the last week, the SQ flight has been 45 minutes late once and 50 minutes tardy once, but apart from that either early or less than 15 minutes late.

(However, QF1D is now allegedly arriving in SIN at 2344 tonight, so SQ will have to hold its 2355 hours AMS departure if the connectee is to make it.) Changi is especially good at facilitating tight connections (as it's good at most things aviation.)

At least one other QF delayed AFFer previously mentioned 'Novotel Wolli Creek' as an hotel QF used in such circumstances.
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A tricky day with high winds in both Sydney and Melbourne, creating plenty of delays and cancellations.

QF2001 TMW-SYD (Q400 VH-LQF) arrived to gate at 9 35, 125 min tardy.
QF2220 WGA-SYD (Q400 VH-QOU) arrived at 9 05, 90 behind.
QF1563 OOL-SYD (B717 VH-YQW) had a revised arrival at 9 11, 91 min late. That later formed as QF1583 SYD-HBA which arrived at 13 10, 115 min tardy. The return leg as QF1584 HBA-SYD arrived at 15 33, 108 min behind schedule.
QF2037 DBO-SYD (Q300 VH-SBW) arrived at 9 22, 97 min tardy.
QF2019 ARM-SYD (Q300 VH-SBB) had a late arrival at 9 09, 79 min behind schedule.
QF1579 MCY-SYD (B717 VH-NXI) has a revised arrival to gate at 9 30, 80 late.
QF1582 HBA-SYD (B717 VH-NXR) also arrived late at 10 45, 145 min tardy. That later formed as QF1564 SYD-OOL, which arrived at 13 55, 165 min behind schedule. That delay continued to flow onto QF1567 OOL-SYD which arrived at 16 07, 167 behind. That continued to delay the following leg as QF1570 SYD-OOL which arrived to gate at 18 20, 85 min late.
QF130 PVG-SYD (A333 VH-QPE) had a revised arrival at 11 16, 171 min behind.
QF162 WLG-SYD (B738 VH-VZW) arrived at 9 48, 78 late. The return leg as QF161 SYD-WLG was airborne at 12 31 and arrived at 17 02, 127 min behind. This has further delayed QF164 WLG-SYD which is now expected at 19 22, 102 min tardy.
QF1513 CBR-SYD (B717 VH-YQX) arrived at 10 31, 101 tardy. That later formed at QF1580 SYD-MCY, which arrived at 13 50, 105 min behind.
QF412 MEL-SYD (B738 VH-VYF) arrived to gate at 9 54, 59 min behind schedule. That pushed back departure of QF520 SYD-BNE, which arrived at 13 37, 67 tardy.
QF931 CNS-MEL (B738 VH-VYI) had a revised arrival at 10 11, 76 min late. That later formed as QF864 SYD-OOL which arrived at 13 43, 63 min behind.
QF1466 CBR-SYD (Q400 VH-QOR) arrived at 12 04, 114 tardy.
QF2222 WGA-SYD (Q400 VH-QOC) arrived to gate at 12 15, 90 min behind schedule. That pushed back departure of QF1419 SYD-CBR which arrived at 14 33, 113 min late.
QF2181 MRZ-SYD (Q200 VH-TQG) had a revised arrival at 12 57, 102 min tardy.
QF423 SYD-MEL (B738 VH-VXL) arrived to gate at 13 25, 50 min behind schedule.
QF574 PER-SYD (A332 VH-EBE) also arrived late at 12 46, 86 min behind. That delayed departure of QF41 SYD-CGK which now has a suggested arrival at 19 50, 70 min late.
QF2021 ARM-SYD (Q300 VH-TQZ) arrived at 13 30, 70 behind schedule.
QF422 MEL-SYD (B738 VH-VYL) arrived at 13 10, 105 min tardy. That later formed at QF751 SYD-ADL which arrived at 15 41, 121 behind schedule.
QF2206 ABX-SYD (Q400 VH-LQL) arrived to gate at 13 48, 143 min behind. That delayed the following flight operated as QF2225 SYD-WGA, which arrived at 15 47, 162 min tardy.
QF2107 CFS-SYD (Q400 VH-LQB) was also late, arriving at 13 59, 159 min behind schedule.
(B738 VH-VZO) has also been delayed, firstly as QF1341 SYD-CBR arriving at 13 40, 90 min tardy. The return leg as QF1341 CBR-SYD arrived at 15 08, 88 late.
QF144 AKL-SYD (B738 VH-XZB) joins the delays list, having arrived at 16 15, 80 min behind.
QF867 HTI-SYD (B738 VH-VZH) arrived to gate at 17 35, 105 min tardy.
(B738 VH-XZJ) was also delay on its first leg as QF131 SYD-ZQN arriving at 16 30, 110 late. The return leg as QF122 ZQN-SYD is due to arrive at 18 35, 100 behind.
(B738 VH-XZH) also had a late start as QF101 SYD-NAN, arriving at 17 33, 63 min tardy. The return leg as QF102 NAN-SYD is expected at 21 11, 71 min behind schedule.
QF36 SIN-MEL (A380 VH-OQH) has a suggested arrival at 22 23, 1008 min late.
QF38 SIN-MEL (A332 VH-EBC) also delayed, but with a much better arrival at 10 13, 58 min tardy.

QF400 MEL-SYD 6 00 hours
QF404 MEL-SYD 6 30 hours
QF509 BNE-SYD 8 05 hours
QF416 MEL-SYD 8 30 hours
QF418 MEL-SYD 9 00 hours
QF419 SYD-MEL 9 00 hours
QF1468 CBR-SYD 9 50 hours
QF2041 DBO-SYD 10 00 hours
QF424 MEL-SYD 10 30 hours
QF429 SYD-MEL 11 30 hours
QF1474 CBR-SYD 12 05 hours
QF1478 CBR-SYD 13 00 hours
QF438 MEL-SYD 14 00 hours
QF446 MEL-SYD 16 00 hours
QF459 SYD-MEL 18 00 hours

Also special mention that B747 VH-OEJ operated QF431 SYD-MEL, the 12 00 hours service and QF442 MEL-SYD 15 00 hours service as a way to minimise passenger disruptions due to cancellations and delays.

Clearly I haven't covered everything, it has been a very active day to say the least!
This passenger was accommodated at the Novotel Wolli Creek (official title is 'Novotel Sydney International Airport', and it's a former Mercure), and remains on QF1 (25 plus hours late), is booked only to SIN on that, then SQ324, the 2355 hours tonight to AMS (timetabled arrival 0715) and finally KL1471, the 0800 hours AMS to GLA where she should arrive at 0845 hours on Saturday 13.

Interesting to see QF using SQ, but it may be that QF1D is booked solid between SIN and LHR.

The connections are tight, but presumably achievable (including for luggage) if the SQ flight is punctual (or early.) In the last week, the SQ flight has been 45 minutes late once and 50 minutes tardy once, but apart from that either early or less than 15 minutes late.

(However, QF1D is now allegedly arriving in SIN at 2344 tonight, so SQ will have to hold its 2355 hours AMS departure if the connectee is to make it.) Changi is especially good at facilitating tight connections (as it's good at most things aviation.)

At least one other QF delayed AFFer previously mentioned 'Novotel Wolli Creek' as an hotel QF used in such circumstances.
Did your friend make her connection with SQ?
In the SIN lounge waiting for the Fri 12/7 QF2 (now running as QF2D) which is landing in from LHR as I type .

Just for interest, had booked from LHR to BNE via SYD in F on BA, but the SiN-LHR offered QF2 at no difference in price, so decided to compare the two F service back to back..

The QF delays have since made this into an unplanned SIN stopover..

Call centre when I rang from London after being informed of the delay by SMS was very vague - and didn’t even know of the delay. Not wanting to rely on what may happen in SIN with all the delays, and having AMEX platinum card insurance covering two of us, booked a suite at the newish Sofitel Singapore Central for the night - on a package that included transfers. Checked in at the service desk in the lounge on arrival at SIN, and whilst they had arranged a hotel somewhere, just got them to note where we were (in case of more changes) and headed into SIN for the evening (call centre had not added a note to the booking that we had arranged our own hotel as I had requested- Hopefully QF used the room for some one else).

At this stage, the Sunday I had thought I would have at home before heading back to work has turned into a nice stopover in SIN (travel insurance paid) and the QF will cough up 2 x 600 Euro in EU261.

Just hoping that we make the domestic connection in SYD, as everything is showing zero across the board on EF for Sunday evening.
QF9 starting as MEL-PER has a revised departure at 17 00. This will undoubtedly delay the PER-LHR leg.
QF9 starting as MEL-PER has a revised departure at 17 00. This will undoubtedly delay the PER-LHR leg.
QF9 MEL-PER (B789 VH-ZNF) was airborne at 18 02, arrived at 19 17, 122 min behind. The subsequent leg from PER-LHR is now scheduled for 20 50, 125 min behind original schedule.

QF158 AKL-MEL (A332 VH-EBF) has a revised arrival at 22 03, 63 late.
QF10 PER-MEL (B789 VH-ZNA) arrived to gate at 19 55, 60 min tardy.

High winds in Melbourne have continued to affect arrivals, with lengthier flight times.
QF453 SYD-MEL (B738 VH-VXR) arrived at 19 42, 67 min behind. That impacted QF822 MEL-CBR which is expected to arrive at 21 33, 53 tardy.
QF458 MEL-SYD (A332 VH-EBD) arrived to gate at 20 37, 72 min behind.
QF172 WLG-MEL (B738 VH-XZK) arrived to gate at 20 01, 61 min late.
QF463 SYD-MEL (B738 VH-VYF) has a suggested arrival at 21 23, 78 tardy.
QF694 ADL-MEL (B738 VH-VXS) had a revised arrival at 21 07, 52 min behind schedule.
QF465 SYD-MEL (B738 VH-VZF) is expected to arrive at 22 27, 112 min late.
QF493 SYD-MEL (B738 VH-XZO) has an arrival pushed back to 22 26, 96 min behind original schedule.
QF467 SYD-MEL (B738 VH-VXU) just airborne, with revised arrival at 22 45, 100 min tardy.

QF477 SYD-MEL 18 15 hours service cancelled.
QF496 MEL-SYD 17 45 hours.
QF547 BNE-SYD 17 35 hours.
QF479 SYD-MEL 18 45 hours.
QF497 SYD-MEL 22 05 hours.
Monday 15th of July is also proving to be an active day.

QF565 SYD-PER (A332 VH-EBN) arrive at 10 25, 60 min behind schedule.
QF485 MEL-PER (A333 VH-QPI) has a revised arrival at 13 35, 110 min tardy.
(Q400 VH-LQJ) has been delayed all day. Initially as QF2001 TMW-SYD, arriving at 8 56, 91 min tardy. That later formed as QF2106 SYD-CFS, with delayed arrival at 10 51, 91 late. The subsequent leg as QF2107 CFS-SYD is now expected as 12 43, 88 min behind.
(Q200 VH-TQX) also delayed throughout the day. First leg as QFQ2161 PQQ-SYD arrived at 9 45, 110 behind schedule. This affected QF2203 SYD-ABX, which arrived to gate at 12 01, 126 min late. This is now operated as the return leg QF2204, with predicted arrival at 13 41, 121 min tardy.
(B738 VH-VYE) was delayed as QF730 ADL-SYD, arriving at 10 03, 103 min behind. This impacted QF512 SYD-BNE which arrived at 12 22, 112 min tardy.
(B717 VH-NXQ) also delayed as QF1563 OOL-SYD, with arrival at 8 47, 67 min late. This had a flow effect on QF1583 SYD-HBA, with revised arrival at 12 43, 88 min behind schedule.
(B738 VH-VYC) also running behind. First leg as QF505 BNE-SYD arrived to gate at 10 11, 91 tardy. Subsequent leg as QF840 SYD-DRW has an expected arrival at 15 01, 91 min late.
QF129 SYD-PVG (A332 VH-EBP) has a suggested arrival at 19 22, 57 min tardy.
(B738 VH-VYL) departed as QF412 MEL-SYD, arriving at 10 37, 102 min behind schedule. The return leg as QF421 SYD-MEL has a revised arrival at 12 58, 113 min late.
(B738 VH-VYH) also delayed as QF732 ADL-SYD, arrived to gate at 10 50, 115 behind. It’s currently operating as QF514 SYD-BNE, with suggested arrival at 13 17, 137 min tardy.
(B738 VH-VYG) joins delays list with QF410 MEL-SYD arriving at 10 40, 120 min late. Then this formed as QF860 SYD-OOL, arriving at 12 38, 88 min behind. The return leg as QF861 OOL-SYD is expected to depart at 13 15.
(B738 VH-XZC) initially as QF507 BNE-SYD had a revised arrival to gate at 11 05, 115 min behind. The return leg as QF516 SYD-BNE is currently airborne, anticipated to arrive at 13 25, 115 min late.
QF81 SYD-SIN (A333 VH-QPF) was airborne at 11 41 and is now suggested to arrive at 17 46, 54 min behind schedule.
(B738 VH-VXG) as QF416 MEL-SYD arrived at 11 25, 90 min late. The return leg as QF425 SYD-MEL is now suggested at 13 37, 92 min behind original schedule.

QF1461 SYD-CBR 6 15 hours service.
QF495 SYD-MEL 7 10 hours.
QF411 SYD-MEL 7 30 hours.
QF415 SYD-MEL 8 00 hours.
QF508 SYD-BNE 8 00 hours.
QF2020 SYD-ARM 8 20 hours.
QF417 SYD-MEL 8 30 hours.
QF2164 SYD-PQQ 8 40 hours.
QF461 SYD-MEL 8 45 hours.
QF2002 SYD-TMW 8 45 hours.
QF419 SYD-MEL 9 00 hours.
QF1473 SYD-CBR 10 45 hours.
Continuing today QF439 SYD-MEL (B738 VH-VYA) arrived at 17 12, 97 min tardy.
(B738 VH-VZB) was delayd as QF812 MEL-CBR which arrived at 15 35, 75 min late. That later formed as QF815 CBR-MEL, arried at 17 32, 82 min behind. The return leg as QF834 MEL-CBR arrive at 19 15, 60 min tardy.
(B738 VH-VYI) QF443 SYD-MEL arrived at 18 15, 100 min late. That later formed as QF777 MEL-PER which is suggested to arrive at 21 00, 90 min behind original schedule.
QF627 BNE-MEL (B738 VH-VZO) was also delayed and arrived at 20 05, 90 min tardy.
(A332 VH-EBL) has also been playing catch up all day. Firstly as QF922 SYD-CNS which arrived to gate at 13 45, 65 min late. The return leg QF923 CNS-SYD touched down at 17 47, 72 min behind. This later formed as QF459 SYD-MEL, which arrived at 20 42, 67 min tardy.
QF545 BNE-SYD (B738 VH-VYB) had a revised arrival to gate at 20 24, 104 min late.
QF631 BNE-MEL (B738 VH-VXB) is expected to arrive at 20 55, 80 min behind schedule.
QF580 PER-SYD (A333 VH-QPI) touched down at 22 26, 96 min tardy.
QF582 PER-SYD (A332 VH-EBC) has a suggested arrival at 22 07, 92 min late.
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17/07 - QF153 MEL-AKL original departure planned 11:45, now planned 15:20. Talking with QF rep today in the lounge they mentioned it's because the aircraft was hit by a truck somewhere this morning

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