Qantas Delays/Cancellations

Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

Sorry to hear JohnK. Nightmare flight.

I wish they'd throw the book at these people causing such diversions - including a civil claim for costs incurred by the airline.

It'd be ideal for class action from nearby pax!
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

Sunday 28 September's QF94 (LAX - MEL) is diverting to SYD where it is due to land in a few minutes at 0700. A388 VH-OQF is the operating plane.

Was this due to strong winds and a close to full load hence insufficient fuel, is it a medical emergency, an incident on board of a troubling nature or some other reason? It had departed LAX only 12 minutes late at 2302 on Sunday evening.

Due to its late running, QF93 from MEL to LAX has been altered to depart at 1140, an hour an 50 late, meaning some longer breakfasting for AFFers in a MEL QF lounge this morning. However at this stage that's only an estimate as the 93 has to get out of SYD, which is some time off.

UPDATE: QF94 arrived SYD at 0720 and after 57 minutes departed for MEL to where it had a slow trip, arriving at 1002. By 1150, after an efficient turnaround, it was on its way to LAX where it is due at 0915, just over two hours late.
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Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

Tonight's QF10 from LHR (VH-OQD) is running well and due in MEL at 2048, seven minutes early.

Inexplicably, however, the return working of QF9 is delayed from 2255 tonight (Wednesday 1 October 2014) until at least 0025 tomorrow. More bubbly, please, in the lounge!

Has a staff member gone off sick at short notice with a replacement having to be flown in on the last flight of the night from SYD that is due in MEL at 2340?
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

QF419 was delayed 50mins ex SYD this morning due to a technical issue in Melb on the inbound flight.

Landed 40mins late in Melb and turned around straight away to head back up the coast.

There was a couple of other Melb flight delays and Canberra cancellations this morning ex Syd. One Canberra flight was delayed an hour and Pax in the J lounge were offered $15 vouchers for downstairs in the food court.. which I thought was interesting.
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

QF7 last night returned to SYD after a fuel pump issue........made it as far as 4 hours out, and then had to turn back, so about 9.5 hours in the air for nothing.

Obviously arrived close to curfew so not going anywhere.

Great start to the A380.........5 days in an already a major issue.
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

Qf8 has diverted to lax this evening.
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

Qf8 has diverted to lax this evening.

This wasnt a diversion, this was planned. Due to the QF7 delay on Friday, a 747 had to operate to LA over the weekend in lieu of an A380. Because it is the end of school holidays there was a big backlog of passenger. Since the QF8 is weight restricted and has around 100 seats blocked, in order to help clear the back log in LA they scheduled it via LAX to pick up the extra passengers.
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

As referred to above, QF8 departed DFW 18 minutes late at 2133 on Sunay night (5 October 2014). It then spent just over two hours (2301 to 0116 on Monday 6 October) in LAX and is due in SYD 95 minutes late at 1015 on Tuesday 7 October.
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

This wasnt a diversion, this was planned. Due to the QF7 delay on Friday, a 747 had to operate to LA over the weekend in lieu of an A380. Because it is the end of school holidays there was a big backlog of passenger. Since the QF8 is weight restricted and has around 100 seats blocked, in order to help clear the back log in LA they scheduled it via LAX to pick up the extra passengers.

Just out of interest, is it normal to have 100 seats blocked on the QF8 or does it vary based on the weather forecast, time of year, other factors etc.? It seems to me that having 100 empty seats on every flight is rather inefficient and if this is the case, would they not have been better off keeping the popular BNE stop?
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

QF94 is forecast to be 65 minutes late into MEL at 0940 this morning. QF93 from MEL to LAX is shown as being delayed by 110 minutes from its normal 1050 to 1240.

The reasonably tight turnaround works fine on many days, though, as QF94 tends to be quite punctual. That may change as the USA winter kicks in given that this flight connects from JFK.
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

QF94 is forecast to be 65 minutes late into MEL at 0940 this morning. QF93 from MEL to LAX is shown as being delayed by 110 minutes from its normal 1050 to 1240.

The reasonably tight turnaround works fine on many days, though, as QF94 tends to be quite punctual. That may change as the USA winter kicks in given that this flight connects from JFK.

QF94 doesn't connect from JFK.. It's an A380 service that terminates in LAX. QF107/108 is the service to/from JFK and it's done by a 747.
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

QF94 doesn't connect from JFK.. It's an A380 service that terminates in LAX. QF107/108 is the service to/from JFK and it's done by a 747.

Isn't it QF15/16 that do the JFK legs now, which is the 747 from BNE?
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

Isn't it QF15/16 that do the JFK legs now, which is the 747 from BNE?

It varies according to QF source

01/10/2014QF107Sydney Los AngelesVH-OEFB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
01/10/2014QF107Los Angeles New York JFKVH-OEFB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
02/10/2014QF107Sydney Los AngelesVH-OEIB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
02/10/2014QF107Los Angeles New York JFKVH-OEIB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
03/10/2014QF107Sydney Los AngelesVH-OEJB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
03/10/2014QF107Los Angeles New York JFKVH-OEJB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
04/10/2014QF107Sydney Los AngelesVH-OEGB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
05/10/2014QF107Los Angeles New York JFKVH-OEFB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
06/10/2014QF107Sydney Los AngelesVH-OJSB747-40058J/36W/270Y
06/10/2014QF107Los Angeles New York JFKVH-OJSB747-40058J/36W/270Y
07/10/2014QF107Sydney Los AngelesVH-OJUB747-40058J/36W/270Y
07/10/2014QF107Los Angeles New York JFKVH-OJUB747-40058J/36W/270Y
08/10/2014QF107Sydney Los AngelesVH-OEGB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
08/10/2014QF107Los Angeles New York JFKVH-OEGB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
09/10/2014QF107Sydney Los AngelesVH-OJTB747-40058J/36W/270Y
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

Nope it is 107/108 at least it was yesterday :)

Qantas Flight 107
  1. Landed
    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TD="class: vk_ans vk_bk"]LAX

    6bWCuXxFt48aeFJQdLCyXWIcammteeQ1tDi0WWuLOqFmZruXAyIXTHrKqNT32jxXLE JGTRyZ93H1HTyy79Sqraq5iyA2RSb2z1i6Yn4cOZNIJ7RgKkDn B3erbcNyWqwbs2S 5P4BOBRlVuj7kZ0AAAAASUVORK5CYII=

    [TD="class: vk_ans vk_bk"]JFK
    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    Departed Los Angeles,
    Thursday, 9 October

    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TR="class: vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: vk_txt"] Scheduled 8:55 am
    [TD="class: vk_txt"]Terminal
    [TD="class: vk_txt, align: right"]Gate
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_bk"]8:53 am
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy"]B
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy, align: right"]-
    Arrived New York City,
    Thursday, 9 October

    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TR="class: vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: vk_txt"] Scheduled 5:15 pm
    [TD="class: vk_txt"]Terminal
    [TD="class: vk_txt, align: right"]Gate
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_bk"]5:17 pm
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy"]7
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy, align: right"]-
  2. On time - departs in 1 hour 38 mins
    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TD="class: vk_ans vk_bk"]SYD
    jIMAv0Iqjnq9b3R QXw10DI60qixcAAAAASUVORK5CYII=
    jIMAv0Iqjnq9b3R QXw10DI60qixcAAAAASUVORK5CYII=
    6bWCuXxFt48aeFJQdLCyXWIcammteeQ1tDi0WWuLOqFmZruXAyIXTHrKqNT32jxXLE JGTRyZ93H1HTyy79Sqraq5iyA2RSb2z1i6Yn4cOZNIJ7RgKkDn B3erbcNyWqwbs2S 5P4BOBRlVuj7kZ0AAAAASUVORK5CYII=

    [TD="class: vk_ans vk_bk"]LAX
    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    Departs Sydney,
    Friday, 10 October

    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TR="class: vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: vk_txt"] Times
    [TD="class: vk_txt"]Terminal
    [TD="class: vk_txt, align: right"]Gate
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_bk"]10:50 am
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy"]1
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy, align: right"]-
    Arrives Los Angeles,
    Friday, 10 October

    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TR="class: vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: vk_txt"] Scheduled 6:30 am
    [TD="class: vk_txt"]Terminal
    [TD="class: vk_txt, align: right"]Gate
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_bk"]5:55 am
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy"]B
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy, align: right"]-
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Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

It varies according to QF source

01/10/2014QF107SydneyLos AngelesVH-OEFB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
01/10/2014QF107Los AngelesNew York JFKVH-OEFB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
02/10/2014QF107SydneyLos AngelesVH-OEIB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
02/10/2014QF107Los AngelesNew York JFKVH-OEIB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
03/10/2014QF107SydneyLos AngelesVH-OEJB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
03/10/2014QF107Los AngelesNew York JFKVH-OEJB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
04/10/2014QF107SydneyLos AngelesVH-OEGB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
05/10/2014QF107Los AngelesNew York JFKVH-OEFB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
06/10/2014QF107SydneyLos AngelesVH-OJSB747-40058J/36W/270Y
06/10/2014QF107Los AngelesNew York JFKVH-OJSB747-40058J/36W/270Y
07/10/2014QF107SydneyLos AngelesVH-OJUB747-40058J/36W/270Y
07/10/2014QF107Los AngelesNew York JFKVH-OJUB747-40058J/36W/270Y
08/10/2014QF107SydneyLos AngelesVH-OEGB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
08/10/2014QF107Los AngelesNew York JFKVH-OEGB747-400ER58J/36W/270Y
09/10/2014QF107SydneyLos AngelesVH-OJTB747-40058J/36W/270Y

Nope it is 107/108 at least it was yesterday

Qantas Flight 107
  1. Landed
    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TD="class: vk_ans vk_bk"]LAX[/TD]

    6bWCuXxFt48aeFJQdLCyXWIcammteeQ1tDi0WWuLOqFmZruXAyIXTHrKqNT32jxXLE JGTRyZ93H1HTyy79Sqraq5iyA2RSb2z1i6Yn4cOZNIJ7RgKkDn B3erbcNyWqwbs2S 5P4BOBRlVuj7kZ0AAAAASUVORK5CYII=

    [TD="class: vk_ans vk_bk"]JFK[/TD]
    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TD]Departed Los Angeles,
    Thursday, 9 October

    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TR="class: vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: vk_txt"] Scheduled 8:55 am[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_txt"]Terminal[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_txt, align: right"]Gate[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_bk"]8:53 am[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy"]B[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy, align: right"]-[/TD]
    [TD]Arrived New York City,
    Thursday, 9 October

    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TR="class: vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: vk_txt"] Scheduled 5:15 pm[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_txt"]Terminal[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_txt, align: right"]Gate[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_bk"]5:17 pm[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy"]7[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy, align: right"]-[/TD]
  2. On time - departs in 1 hour 38 mins
    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TD="class: vk_ans vk_bk"]SYD[/TD]
    jIMAv0Iqjnq9b3R QXw10DI60qixcAAAAASUVORK5CYII=
    jIMAv0Iqjnq9b3R QXw10DI60qixcAAAAASUVORK5CYII=
    6bWCuXxFt48aeFJQdLCyXWIcammteeQ1tDi0WWuLOqFmZruXAyIXTHrKqNT32jxXLE JGTRyZ93H1HTyy79Sqraq5iyA2RSb2z1i6Yn4cOZNIJ7RgKkDn B3erbcNyWqwbs2S 5P4BOBRlVuj7kZ0AAAAASUVORK5CYII=

    [TD="class: vk_ans vk_bk"]LAX[/TD]
    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TD]Departs Sydney,
    Friday, 10 October

    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TR="class: vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: vk_txt"] Times[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_txt"]Terminal[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_txt, align: right"]Gate[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_bk"]10:50 am[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy"]1[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy, align: right"]-[/TD]
    [TD]Arrives Los Angeles,
    Friday, 10 October

    [TABLE="class: ts, width: 100%"]
    [TR="class: vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: vk_txt"] Scheduled 6:30 am[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_txt"]Terminal[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_txt, align: right"]Gate[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_bk"]5:55 am[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy"]B[/TD]
    [TD="class: vk_h vk_gy, align: right"]-[/TD]

Fair enough. I thought I read somewhere that it was changing when the A380 started on the SYD-DFW route. My bad.
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

Sorry: I had assumed that 70 minutes was sufficient connecting time to be booked firstly on QF108 and then on QF94, but what is achievable at SIN is not at LAX.

Tonight's QF10 arrval is 45 minutes late which in turn is delaying QF9 by at least half an hour. Ahhh, those tightish turnarounds...
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Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

Sorry: I had assumed that 70 minutes was sufficient connecting time to be booked firstly on QF108 and then on QF94, but what is achievable at SIN is not at JFK.

I think you mean LAX, not JFK..
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Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

Our old friend QF9 did not depart MEL until 0146 this morning (Sunday 19 October) and will therefore be about two hours late arriving in DXB.
Re: General Qantas Delays/Cancellations/etc. Discussion

Tuesday's QF16 due into Brisbane tomorrow morning from LAX has returned to LAX about 2 hours into the flight.

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