Updating Thursday 2 January 2025, QF1, the 1555 hours SYD-SIN with A388 VH-OQK is estimated to depart at 1830 in the early evening, 155 minutes tardy.
The aircraft arrived in SYD this morning at 0855 hours, 90 late as QF12 from LAX.
QF7 (1150 hours SYD-DFW, B789 VH-ZNL) took off at 1825 hours on 2 January with arrival suggested as 1554, 364 minutes late. The aircraft had earlier operated empty from MEL to SYD as QF6013, a scheduled 1430 hours movement that arrived SYD at 1613 hours, 41 minutes late, suggesting that another B789 should have operated 'the 7' (or alternatively given it spent overnight in MEL after doing an Antarctic charter, it should have left MEL much earlier).
UPDATE: QF1 was airborne at 1841 this evening, so SIN arrival should be about 2305, two hours late.