VERY VERY Happy with this Sale, and came at the perfect time
Given all my bookings are done from the U.S. I already have all my flights up till September next
year already booked, (including a nice $2,800 Y+ LAX-SYD-LAX fare as part of the recent double SC
promo 2 weeks ago).
I really wanted to take my partner away, and, some may think it crazy my mother as she has never travelled
before (at least not a mother in law... lol <slap>) and... another reason behind taking my mum, she has
just got her passport for the 1st time as she was considering doing a short cruise next year, so based on that,
plus her always saying she would like to see this 'place' that I visit multiple times a years, and factoring in the loss
of both her parents and husband (my grandparents, stepdad) within 10 weeks a few months ago,
A trip would be a pleasant distraction after what has occurred.
I have been looking at fares, alternate routings etc as the only time I could make this work based on my
trips and schedule was late July, and as most here will know, that is not exactly the cheapest time of the year to travel.
I was only looking at fares yesterday, and with either VA or QF it was going to be $2,250 - $2,400, even via
HNL on JQ then on to LAX it was going to be close to $2,000 on the required dates.
Then having read this post (Thank you Thank you Thank you for the heads up) and getting the QF email this morning,
unbeknown to my boss (partner) and mum, flights were booked, QF11 on the 27th of July returning 2 weeks later for
So in effect, both flights booked, paid and ticketed, for close to what it was going to cost per person only 12 hours prior...
Needless to say I think I have banked a lot of brownie points...
My next challenge is to try and arrange guesting into either of the QF lounges when they fly out (I will
already be in the U.S.) and hopefully arrange 1 guest spot on the return to SYD at the LAX FLounge
(as I will only be able to get one of them in)....
Happy days....