That's a huge assumption to make not to mention an extremely irresponsible comment to make on a public forum when you have no facts to back it up with. What airline/aircraft type/seat number were you sitting in?
How do you know if these 'fail to board' passengers even have checked in luggage?
Just because pax don't
appear to have their bags offloaded, doesn't mean they aren't.
It would depend what aircraft type you are travelling on as to whether or not you see the bags being onloaded or offloaded in the first place.
If you're on a 737 on the left hand side you won't see anything as you'll most likely have an aerobridge attached to the front left door and rear stairs to the back left for cleaners so you won't see bags being loaded of offloaded on the right hand side of the aircraft. Even if you're on the right hand side of the plane, if you're sitting forward to won't be able to see bags being loaded/unloaded into the rear cargo hold and vv. :idea:
I find people making sweeping statements about things they are not qualified to comment about evening more annoying than being late to checkin or a fail to board pax. :evil: