I'm surprised how long it takes QF to get their act together with this: They managed to sort all the cooperation stuff with Emirates in record time (great booking site for the chauffeur drive, near perfect signing in DXB airport and so on and on...) and then it takes months and months to "trial" their meal service?
Even an otherwise totally disorganized airline like Thai which doesn't even let you select your seats online manages to offer you an amazing choice of meals to pre-book on their funny website which looks like being programmed in some shed while Qantas on my upcoming QF12 has a rather uninspiring choice of "supper" options of which most are not even proper meals but salads, soups and sandwiches- some of which you can order as a snack any time during the flight anyway. Apparently, "passengers told them" they wanted to pay thousands of dollars to receive a salad as dinner- yea, right! :evil:
Besides- it's mid May and you still select from the "April 2013" menu which just further makes this entire thing look like an half-ar@#d attempt rather than what I would expect from Qantas, especially after months of trialing. Fairly disappointing to be honest.