Ram, there might be something in there, but the reality is the average aud over the last 20 yrs on either a straight line out curve basis would be well below the current spot
Yes that is true but with a 25 year old 747-400 the wdv is either 100% (ATO ruling 20yr useful life for Commercial Aircraft), so looking under Accounting standards the asset value must reflect either WDV or mkt value - either way the avg age of all the b747-438s is 15.3 years, on a per plane depn basis (spreadsheets can be useful) then the 7 youngest ones should be depreciated by a min of 69% of original cost and the balance between 89 & 100%.
Remember that Q was the launch customer for the 400ER and the list price was $120m in 1988 (ordering time). On normal launch customer pricing the Q should have paid much less than 80m say. The AUD/USD exchange rate in June 1990 was 79.18 btw. The purchases in 2002 were list price S180m and AUD .5646 - so if Q nearly got the bottom of the AUD/USD exchange rate for the entire
Regardless of the movement in the AUD/USD - if they have depreciated 69% of the original cost/value, say take a worst case (and remember Q has always been a major FX hedger/speculator) then say they bought a 747-400 when AUD/USD = 0.50 (no they didn't but for extreme arguments sake), USD 160 wdv by 69% = USD49.6m and convert original cost to AUD 320m, written down by 69% would leave $100m AUD, adj for current FX (USD49.6/.9424 30.6.14 rate)= AUD52.6m a difference of just AUD48m.
Now this example is for the youngest 747 and using at least a 10% worse FX rate than the time of placing the orders. For the older planes the difference would be less than $5m at worst. The numbers do not appear to add up no matter how you slice and dice.
What it looks like Q has been doing is capitalising the cost of 'new' seating without apparently writing down the scrapped old seating, capitalising the new interiors in a similar fashion etc. Is this a new take on a Ponzi scheme in the sky?
Qantas has been storing and scrapping its old B747-400s since 2008 - so there is no way it can claim that it did not know they had a zero value. However by storing them it could avoid recognizing their effectively zero value. Currently Q is paying for 13 B747-400s to be parked in the States at VCV and maybe a couple at Marana.
[TD="class: tdtexten, width: 10%"]
[TD="class: tdtexten, width: 9%"]
[TD="class: tdtexten3, width: 15%"] 747-438[/TD]
[TD="class: tdtexten, width: 18%"] 15/10/1992[/TD]
[TD="class: tdtexten, width: 18%"]
[TD="class: tdtexten, width: 30%"] Named City of Bathurst - Stored 11/2010
Scrapped 02/2012 as Marana[/TD]
Boeing 747-400 Prices Tumble as Fuel Costs End 23-Year Reign - Bloomberg
[h=1]Boeing 747-400 Prices Tumble as Fuel Costs End 23-Year Reign[/h]By Bloomberg News
Jun 14, 2012 2:00 AM ET
Ten-year-old passenger 747-400s are worth a record low $36 million, about 10 percent less than similar aged planes last year, according to
Ascend Worldwide Ltd., amid high fuel costs and a cargo slump that has damped interest in converting aircraft into freighters. Forty-eight of the 404 humpbacked passenger 747-400s worldwide have also been placed in storage, according to the London-based aviation consultancy, as the once “Queen of the Skies” is shunned for 777s and Airbus SAS A380s. “There’s not a lot of demand for the 747,” said Paul Sheridan, Ascend’s Hong Kong-based head of risk analysis. “They’re mostly being broken up for parts.”
All Q's 747-400s (of the latest tranche) but 2 were over ten years old then. It was common knowledge that there were no buyers to be found at anywhere near book value, yet Q did not write them down then - why? Why didn't the auditors question it?
With Q NTA/share at 72 cents as at 30.6.14 down from over $2.30 - things are looking dire. Suppliers will be doing an "Ansett" - pay cash in advance of refueling the plane. No term credit but COD.
I would like Red Roo to tell me where I've gone wrong on the figures but I've used the ATO draft rulings, calculations, mkt historical AUD/USD rates, published price lists for the aircraft etc.
I am not saying to assume the 'brace position" but b
ook those reward seats while you can - remember how quickly the end came for Ansett!