Qantas Ultimate 70k bonus points "exclusive offer"

Jul 5, 2015
In case others can get this - I was looking at the Amex Qantas Ultimate card for a while yesterday on my phone browser. I didn't close the tab, and came back to the Amex website tonight.

I was pleasantly surprised as the website refreshed on load and showed me a 70k bonus points "exclusive offer" vs the 60k bonus points offer that is the default.

Could be a good test to visit the website one day, don't close your browser, and come back the following day to see if you can get this as well.
This has popped up on and off for me over the last few weeks. I'd take 70k with no annual fee, but I am still waiting for an offer more in keeping with what this card used to set (100k+ and/or with other incentives).

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