Well, I had a fantastic day!
I had hoped to tweet and cross-post to AFF during the event, but the phone coverage was miserable, so I had great difficulty (I've caught up now on Twitter though)! I've shared a few pics (as have many others), though this is probably my best photo (of the dessert no less)! For those playing at home, that is actually a Qantas candle holder (with the candle inside, behind the QF logo) - they did look pretty cool on the table!
I don't (or rather, can't) often make it to AFF functions (my schedule is all over the place), so it was nice to see a few familiar faces from the inaugural Tweet & Greet, and to meet a number of you for the first time! Even though this was a QF function as opposed to an AFF do, I believe AFFers scored 18 of the 21 available Twitter invites (17 have identified themselves in this thread, and there was also one other who attended but has not shared this online)... nice work everybody! Hopefully this doesn't lead to an AFF ban on future QF Twitter events

Boogs &
simongr - I believe I owe both of you a few $$$ (the cab back was only ~$54 incl tolls, but you both put in $20 before I Amex'd it). Kindly PM your details so that I can reimburse you (I can't ask others to pay more than their share). Otherwise, I'll shout you both a drink when next we meet!
Anyway, a *big* thanks to Qantas, and of course Neil for organising and hosting such a great event. Hopefully they got the social media publicity that they were looking for!