No, the second message came through 30 minutes after the original cancellation text.
So in QF measured minutes, that's practically immediately. Probably didn't cause anyone too much grief, as no-one could have possibly reached customer service over the phone in 30 minutes to
Imagine how bad it would have been if you could have been able to get through to Qantas (most likely the outsourced call centre in in Fiji or South Africa), straight away without holding. They would have mucked around, reallocated you to a flight leaving Christchurch leaving 3 days later, which you would have to make your own arrangements to get there , only to turn up to the airport and find out it hadn't been re-ticketed by QF, and you didn't have a confirmed booking on the flight.
Instead, whilst on hold your flight was uncancelled and re-scheduled. A time to be grateful that QF inefficiencies work in your favour for once!