You gotta whinge about this type of thing. I have in the past and have had some 'success' in the form of a credit note from VA and an apology. Of course I'd prefer they got these things right first up, but if no-one ever complains then the risk is that eventually they think they're doing this sort of thing right and it becomes the norm.
I approach these things from a statistics/revenue point of view. If I just give the FA a sour face and perhaps complain on board ... which I might actually do if I'm really disappointed and think something more acceptable might be hidden behind the curtain, then the complaint is pretty likely to just end there ... FA's are busy, and I'm not sure if there is much of a process for grumpy/grumbly customer feedback directly from FA's to management.
However, I'd be almost 100% certain that someone behind a desk, and possibly high enough up to matter, would be paying attention to credit notes and other 'loss of income' that might arise because of grumpy passengers. A few hundred, even a few thousand dollars of credits won't get past background noise, but if J food substantially under-performs, and J passengers routinely complain and gain some sort of compensation which then turns into more than background chump change loss, something will be done. Can't always tell what the something might be, it could result in better food, or perhaps a ban on credit notes for complaining customers

but _something_ is likely to happen.