- Joined
- Jun 18, 2002
- Posts
- 1,505
- Qantas
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- Red
Dear AFF community,
We would like to remind everyone of our Terms of Service, and in particular the need to ensure posts on our forum are on-topic and respectful.
If you disagree with another member’s post, you are of course free to challenge their point of view by commenting on the substance of the topic. However, personal attacks are not acceptable on our forum.
Once you have made your point, please refrain from repeatedly posting the same thing over and over again, and allow other members the space to make their own arguments. Other members are allowed to have a different opinion to you, just as you are entitled to have a different opinion than others.
We take personal attacks seriously and will delete any posts that breach the forum rules. Repeat offenders may have their forum privileges suspended.
We would like to remind members of the following forum rule:
In addition, please note that we have recently added the following rule to our Terms of Service regarding the use of emojis:
Thank you for helping us to ensure AFF remains a friendly forum,
The AFF Moderation Team
We would like to remind everyone of our Terms of Service, and in particular the need to ensure posts on our forum are on-topic and respectful.
If you disagree with another member’s post, you are of course free to challenge their point of view by commenting on the substance of the topic. However, personal attacks are not acceptable on our forum.
Once you have made your point, please refrain from repeatedly posting the same thing over and over again, and allow other members the space to make their own arguments. Other members are allowed to have a different opinion to you, just as you are entitled to have a different opinion than others.
We take personal attacks seriously and will delete any posts that breach the forum rules. Repeat offenders may have their forum privileges suspended.
We would like to remind members of the following forum rule:
If you feel another member is attacking or being aggressive towards you, report their message to the AFF Moderation team. Do not respond publicly. This simply continues the back and forth that derails topics and makes them uncomfortable for other users. If someone attacks you and you respond with an attack, you may be disciplined regardless of who initiated the conflict.
In addition, please note that we have recently added the following rule to our Terms of Service regarding the use of emojis:
The excessive use of emojis or other symbols in a manner that constitutes harassment, bullying, or disrupts the community’s harmony is strictly prohibited.
Thank you for helping us to ensure AFF remains a friendly forum,
The AFF Moderation Team