One year on and I am back in Launceston.Despite the problems with VA last time it was VA again going down as from MCY their connections are much
better.This time though the best connection was via SYD and this let me miss the MEL VA terminal which I don't like.
Flying MCY-SYD I was in row 26 and had the row to
myself.No problem selecting the rear rows flying out of MCY as you board from front or rear
stairs.An unremarkable
flight.Wont complain about the QF snacks again though.
Flew over the Hunter
Valley.What great views-beautiful coal mines!
There was quite a tailwind so we were sent west of SYD and down over the National Park.
We still got to the gate
early.Got a snack in the food court.Sitting near a display of baguettes and paninis when an older woman came up and asked the server-"which of these are gluten free.?"

So then to my SYD-LST
flight.PB was working until a fellow in the premium line in Richmond colours held the line
up.So a lot of us plebs boarded before most in the premium
line.This time row 7 with an empty middle
seat.VA MKWIA.
In row 6 a couple with 2
infants.The boy was crying all the time untill I caught his eye and made my funny
faces.Soon had him laughing and playing hide and seek.I think mum was very happy with me.
Once again magnificent catering.
Cloudy virtually the whole
way.On this sector a headwind so about 20 minutes late into
LST.Still good to see Tassie again.
Here until the beginning of January so hopefully will bring you a bit of tourist info and a few restaurant reviews.