:Route 1
3.0 units of capacity per week in each direction.
The designated airlines of Australia may enter into arrangements with other airlines,including airlines of third countries, to undertake services through code share, blockedspace or other joint venture arrangements up to a total of 150 one way seats per day onan annual average basis subject to conditions.
Route 2
2.5 units of capacity per week in each direction.
Route 3
0.75 units of capacity per week in each direction.Further information about such arrangements can be obtained from the Department ofInfrastructure and Transport.Aircraft substitution formula:
*Aircraft Seat Capacity Coefficients
400 seats and above 1.0
360 - 399 seats 0.9320 - 359 seats 0.8
280 - 319 seats 0.7240 - 279 seats 0.6
200 - 239 seats 0.5150 - 199 seats 0.4
aircraft below 150 seats 0.25
Note * When a B747 Combi aircraft is used by a designated airline, it will use theequivalent of one unit of capacity.If the application of the foregoing ratios for each aircraft type will result in the totalcapacity entitlements for the designated airlines of Australia being exceeded, suchexcess will be permitted provided that it is no more than 0.25 units of capacity.
This Register entry was last amended on 17 March 2011.