Enough was enough, my hands were just about frozen and I needed to get back into the terminal and get rid of my remaining yen.
A last egg sandwich
Dropped the bags, through immigration, a t-shirt from uniqlo, bits and pieces from the 711, end result 6 yen left.
To the lounge and some breakfast
The ride to Singapore
Uneventful flight, JAL's entertainment selection is pretty bare though.
Hour and a half in Singapore, then the last leg to Perth. No upgrade unfortunately, bloke in the seat next to me told me his flight from Bangkok was late the day prior and missed the connection, and he and others had been re-booked on today's flight. Few business seats taken from that flight perhaps.
Late night arrival into Perth and so ends another visit to Japan.
Very much enjoyed the snow, disappointed missed out on Ginzan Onsen as I was with the lack of snow at Kawaguchiko. Having said that, I was spoiled by the viewing conditions of Fuji, and I think I'm suffering a bit of Fuji overload.
Tried a few new things - herring roe - no; unagi - undecided; uni - liked it, however took the very safe route of it being in a deep fried croquette with cheese. Don't know how much of a uni taste I got.
As for over tourism, get out early, get to the places least visited.
I have already booked another trip for the last 2 weeks of January 26. Will have another attempt at Ginsan Onsen and will also spend a bit more time in Tokyo. Have had only brief visits the lat few times, so time to rediscover some parts of the city.
I have been spending a bit of time learning Japanese, however I went to water under pressure and was very disappointed in my poor performance in that regard. As an aside, we have had about 30 Japanese students at our school the last 2 weeks so have been getting a bit of practice with some of them. They are very polite, being very complimentary of my efforts. Feel a bit guilty though, one of the boys has taken to footy, gave him a Freo Dockers ball I had sitting around. Next day he comes in with a Freo water bottle, have set him on the path to disappointment.
That;s it from me, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it