**Admin, please edit if anything is not permitted**
Boy am I over this stupid call (Just wasted 5.27 minutes of my 2016 life!)... Called by number +44 314 993 7604.
English speaking gent, surprised phone number actually showed this time! I seem to be interested in gold, I straight away said I wasn't interested, and I told them last time (more then once over the last few years!) to stop wasting my time and never ring me again... (only the 1st time he rang me this year he quoted...).
Do I have a spare $10k - $25k to invest in gold?
I was polite (as usual!) to start with, being truthfully honest! That during previous calls, that all calls were being recorded (Androrec for anyone interested), and that the previous times it turned into a swearing match (I did swear again now saying I'm sick of them, he never swears (repeated so many times I didn't keep count!), then he let a word of few slip...
Long story short, I doubt I'll ever get rid of him/them, but (yet again!) said to never ring me again, as I'm -*--*-*-*--* not interested.
I wonder if the next chat with be in 2016, or 2017?
Ps: recording program isn't working for me nowadays, only occasionally