yo yo ma.
just discovered this thread from the newsletter. As you know I also worked in PNG (Moresby), from 2009 to 2011. I have worked in Afghanistan (Kabul) for the last two years, which has some similarities to Iraq but also some differences. Assuming you haven't made up your mind, I can check with some of my buddies here on their perspective on differences between Iraq and Afghanistan. This place is crawling with ex-SAS and similar security people, many of whom also spent time in Iraq.
I can understand the general tenor of the thread. If you haven't been somewhere, your perspective on the place will largely be driven by the news, which always reports the horrible, rarely the ordinary.
Redroo had an excellent list of questions, the only one I puzzled over was the one about whether the security provider was staffed by internationals. Odds on they will be run by internationals, but I would want to see nationals on staff also. They will have an understanding of the local perspective that internationals won't necessarily, and I am very reliant on their advice. The incident reports would be interesting too, but expect them to be very long!
Naturally your first port of call would be the travel advisories, IMHO the best value advisories are those from the UK FCO, which lean toward region/location specific advice rather than overall country assessments. Here's their advice for Iraq and Irbil:
Another useful source of info are the BBC's country profiles, these have the advantage of being constantly updated; here's the profile for Iraq.
BBC News - Iraq country profile - overview
Couple of other questions for you.
- With the insurance, does it include war insurance? Mine does and I'd be surprised if yours doesn't. It would be valueless without.
- What specifically does your security provider have in the way of security measures in your workplace, at home, for travel between the two and for travel to the airport. If I was you I'd be interested in the detail. Checkpoints, body searches, mirroring vehicles, physical barriers and so on.
- What contract termination arrangements are there? Or alternatively, what plan does your employer have for you if you have to be pulled? I have a 14 days termination clause, which means I can make my own assessments on a day to day basis about whether to stay. There is always the possibility that things will go to cough very quickly.
- What is the personal style of people in Iraq like? And how would you react to that A bonus of PNG for me was being treated almost like an king by the locals, courtesy and respect were de rigeur and I like that; by comparison the locals here can be pretty 'in your face', sometimes rude, often quarrelsome, but of course there are many that aren't, there's as much human difference here as anywhere.
- How would you cope with stricter security than you had in Port Moresby. I lived a reasonably free life there, drove my own car etc, but here we spend a lot of time in a guesthouse that has been compared with a jail. You need to be able to get on with people that you don't really want to get on with.
Oh and last of all my comparative perspective? I feel safer in Kabul than I did in Moresby. Two carjacking incidents in two years may have coloured my mind, but being 100 metres from a complex Taliban attack and losing a couple of colleagues in the La Taverna attack also did that. The risk is different, as one of the others noted, the consequences here can be very bad, but the likelihood is much much lower.
That's a perspective from September 2014 in Kabul, of course, not in Irbil.
Cheers skip.