I would rather see Qantas focus on building a new J product that feels more F-like, e.g. Singapore Airlines style. SQ's A380s and 77Ws have an exceptionally good J product with the privacy of 1-2-1 layout and wide beds that allow you to really stretch out and sleep, which makes F seem a bit redundant to me... (unless you or your employer have an extremely generous travel budget)
SQ shows that a good J product can achieve a lot of the things that make F better than J, e.g. not having to sleep next to a snoring stranger, not having someone climb over you in the middle of the night, not having a wide bed to stretch out in, not having privacy...
Emirates tried to do this on the A380 too but sadly they got it completely wrong. I haven't tried CX's 77W new product but it seems to be following in SQ's style and holds much promise.