I've been a P1 since day 1 back in 2011 (now in 4th calendar year as P1) and have never had a free upgrade on QF in what like 150-200 flights since then. As such, QF has almost entirely dropped off my radar. Upgrades is what makes me smile...what make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside..... not a first host or a complimentary bottle of wine or a ticket to an event.
Tell me if I'm wrong; but you're bringing up this thread because you don't feel the love any more. VA isn't communicating on a level that satisfies the reasons why you're flying and you're a bit bored of the same routine. VA simply needs to use the analytics it has on you (they are paying a ****load in license fees for BI) to determine what really motivates you, what you love about the experience, what you hate and so on. No amount of BS focus groups, feedback marketing or surveys will ever be able to figure this out. Perhaps it's as simple as remembering your name when scanning your BP at the gate, or pro-actively reserving the seat next to you because you love a shadow and quietly letting you know that was done for you.
Unfortunately, consumers don't know what they want. You can't trust them to tell you because it's more often than not totally wrong.
Tell VA you're not feeling loved and see what happens... they won't know what to do.
In the meantime I would go fly QF for a while... it's like a girl on the side. Fun for a while and you may end up leaving your wife - but hopefully she figures out that all you ever wanted was a compliment every morning before work. Simple... but most corporations are too short sighted to understand long term implications of not investing into the right tools and I'm not sure a new level of status is the best long term solution.