While booking a HEL(VY)-BKK(3K)-SIN(QF)-MEL I am unfortunately unable to ticket the QF38 SIN-MEL with the remainder of the booking online due to multi-city gremlins.
Having to keep it separate I am assuming I will not be able to simply transit between flights and will have to clear immigration at SIN, collect my bag, recheck in and bag drop prior to accessing T1 and lounges. I have noticed that while there are early check in facilities at Jewel, it isn't clear whether these allow you to actually make your way inside the terminal or just drop your bag off early.
Can any confirm how early I can check in, bag drop and enter the terminal for a QF38 J ticket at T1 in SIN using those early check in facilities?
While booking a HEL(VY)-BKK(3K)-SIN(QF)-MEL I am unfortunately unable to ticket the QF38 SIN-MEL with the remainder of the booking online due to multi-city gremlins.
Having to keep it separate I am assuming I will not be able to simply transit between flights and will have to clear immigration at SIN, collect my bag, recheck in and bag drop prior to accessing T1 and lounges. I have noticed that while there are early check in facilities at Jewel, it isn't clear whether these allow you to actually make your way inside the terminal or just drop your bag off early.
Can any confirm how early I can check in, bag drop and enter the terminal for a QF38 J ticket at T1 in SIN using those early check in facilities?