Greta Bradman, My Hero is our pre lunch entertainment
Followed by a wonderful cornucopia of artists and composers..
Debussy with main course
Streisand and Elvis mid course
Desert we return to our roots, Botticelli…who is still warbling away in the family room
footnote :
If I have one, I must have thousand cd's, several decent amps, and some lovely old Dynaudio speakers packed away somewhere in the workshop.
why ?
Oh it's all too much hassle..cables, speakers, cables, amps, cables, cd players, more cables..sheesh
enter stage left..a silly little Sonos one wireless speaker (that I nearly sent back when I saw it) and a Spotify account.
The little speaker (it cost me $250) is running flat out in our cavernous family room , a dumber mate to help it out will cost me $219….sometimes we spend more than that on dinner….
Spotify is a revelation... I can call up play list queue's of everything popular that I need..fantastic.
Oh yes you say..... the bitrate is cough even on the highest settings , the little toy speaker is way overdriven , the choices are mainstream.. so shoot me.. it's great...