Catching up a little here. Or at least trying too.
We decided we would head to Gardens by the Bay on Saturday afternoon, and then enjoy some more local food at Satay by the Bay.
There was a tulip festival on in the Flower Dome, with a heap of Van Gogh flower arrangements. Was pretty neat. Packed as well.
From there we went across to the Cloud Dome for a look, before we decided it was time to eat.
Over at the food market it was my turn to choose what we would eat. Went with a dish of hot squid and some popiah. But I misinterpreted the sign and instead of getting four pieces of it I ended up with four whole rolls. Oh well. Also grabbed a mixed plate of stay and an obligatory pint of Tiger. We finished off by sharing a choc banana prata between all three of us.
We'd decided to watch the light show at the SkyTrees. At the moment the display is based on a traditional waltz. Was pretty neat. Photos don't really capture it.

From there we headed home, and this where it's time to share my first gripe about our Singapore experience.
The Gardens were packed full of people of course, and the signs back to the MRT are a little confusing. So much so that many people - including us initially - followed a sign that took us away from the Dragonfly Bridge and had hundreds of people navigating a narrow boardwalk along the river. And we realised we were going the wrong way. Or at least the longer than necessary way. So we had to fight our way back through the throng pushing a pram against the tide of people and keeping an eye on the edge of the planks to make sure nothing awful happened.
And then when we found our way to where we WANTED to be, thousands of people were log-jammed onto one narrow staircase to reach the bridge. And the lift for disabled/prams/etc is right next to that staircase. And people who needed to use the lift had to wait because heaps of inconsiderate yet otherwise healthy people decided to push their way in front of those with prams and such. I don't think any of the people doing this were locals though.
Having found Singapore to be so well thought out and planned so far I was pretty surprised that this logistical flaw has not yet been addressed.
I decided to take the stairs with the masses, but not before making sure my wife and child were on the lift. She started ramming into peoples ankles and telling them to take the stairs, and I was calling out some others for being lazy and rude.
Eventually we made it though. By then the child was asleep and missed the fun of us getting turned around on the MRT and doing an extra loop, but all's well that ends well.