Pre-COVID when UL only flew to and ex MEL as far as Oz goes, my memory suggests it had a very good timekeeping record.
Granted, it can't control wet weather but its SYD punctuality has become poor.
On Friday 8 April 2022, UL607 (A333 4R-ALL), the 1610 hours, took off at 1803 so arrival should be 0004 hours on Saturday 9, 69 minutes behind schedule. The aircraft had much earlier today taken off from CMB at 0135, arriving SYD at 1616, 81 late.
Maybe it's because connecting flights run late, or even due to Sri Lanka's huge economic problems.
I have been there a few years ago: a most enjoyable place for a holiday, so sad to see the travails the populace is enduring if media is correct.