Strategy to obtain US Amex

Couple of DPs:

Applied for the Chase Ink Unlimited card and was knocked back, even after reconsideration. I have my current Chase Ink Unlimited card maxed at it's limit, so I'll try the reconsideration line again once I've cleared that out. Seems like many churners have also been declined for this card recently.

I spent $4k USD on my Amex Gold personal card and received an email saying future transactions may be declined unless I pay down a suggested amount. I won't be paying this off for a couple weeks, anyone have experience with this sort of thing? Seems like people online are saying it's no big deal. The letter that came with the card on approval mentioned a $5k USD spending approval.
You better pay it down
I got money sitting in IBRK but the rates wasnt doing well so I thought I waited. Huh
Got bite by Amex FR. ALL cards still frozen
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Did you receive any confirmation that your application was received & pending? An email, text message, that sort of thing; I've received no acknowledgement

I don't remember exactly, but I believe the tracking for her card showed up as a banner under Card Management

I had a quick discussion via the App chat function and the CSA said to just pop in the application via the app which I have done, but there was no opportunity to enter passport details. At what point did you provide these?

I added her via live chat and explained that the usual supp form didn't have an option for suppholders without an SSN. I provided her passport details via live chat
Wise blocked my account and rejected my appeal. I made a few large conversions and then attempted a $50 k equivalent remittances after conversion to THB .they returned my find but with approx $500 less . I’m guessing as a result of reconverting the currency .
Their reasoning was that the amount of funds transferred were not proportional to to my annual income , however there’s funds were funded by my savings over the last 10 years and evidence for the same were provided .
What are my options with regard to claiming compensation for this loss and an explanation ?
Any ideas ?
What are my options with regard to claiming compensation for this loss and an explanation ?
Any ideas ?
Once a financial services provider shuts you down, there's very little you can do. They are under no obligation to do business with you. It's very hard to find providers that will let you move money around at volume — too much regulatory and financial risk for them. I've been shut down by many providers for volume-related reasons.

You basically need to move on to someone else or set up an account under someone else's name (eg a spouse).
Once a financial services provider shuts you down, there's very little you can do. They are under no obligation to do business with you. It's very hard to find providers that will let you move money around at volume — too much regulatory and financial risk for them. I've been shut down by many providers for volume-related reasons.

You basically need to move on to someone else or set up an account under someone else's name (eg a spouse).
Thanks . I’m doing both at the moment .
At the moment I am looking at being compensated for my loss .
They would have prevented me from converting my last tranche before shutting me down .
I was shut down by Wise even before I could move any money through them. Reading others' experiences on here, I won't pursue an appeal - doesn't seem like a business to trust. I can understand they will shut down anyone whose business threatens their financial license which is fair enough after seeing the massive fines imposed on the big banks (who arguably could afford them which is why they were so much). I'm not sure why I didn't get past "go" with them - though Revolut has disabled Apple Pay as a load option for my account. They won't say they have but after I got a warning email not to over-use it and then immediately couldn't use it anymore even though I'd slowed it down to a trickle tells me they want profitable (for them) business or will make it hard for you so you move on. My 2 cents worth. YMMV.
I was shut down by Wise even before I could move any money through them. Reading others' experiences on here, I won't pursue an appeal - doesn't seem like a business to trust. I can understand they will shut down anyone whose business threatens their financial license which is fair enough after seeing the massive fines imposed on the big banks (who arguably could afford them which is why they were so much). I'm not sure why I didn't get past "go" with them - though Revolut has disabled Apple Pay as a load option for my account. They won't say they have but after I got a warning email not to over-use it and then immediately couldn't use it anymore even though I'd slowed it down to a trickle tells me they want profitable (for them) business or will make it hard for you so you move on. My 2 cents worth. YMMV.
Wise are annoying. I used to churn the Coles visa GC on wise. I did about $30k in a month and they charged $0.20 per $250 card to transfer directly into my bank account, but now don't allow it

I would just move on and focus your efforts on another institution. We don't have as many options vs the US, but we have a lot of options
Wise are annoying. I used to churn the Coles visa GC on wise. I did about $30k in a month and they charged $0.20 per $250 card to transfer directly into my bank account, but now don't allow it
When did this end? A few months ago I tried to load Activ GCs from Officeworks on Wise but it wouldn't take them.
When did this end? A few months ago I tried to load Activ GCs from Officeworks on Wise but it wouldn't take them.
This was maybe 4 months ago. They wouldn't allow many prepaid Visa cards except for the Coles MasterCard ones that often go on sale with no activation fee (or once it was 10% off)
This was maybe 4 months ago. They wouldn't allow many prepaid Visa cards except for the Coles MasterCard ones that often go on sale with no activation fee (or once it was 10% off)
Good things always come to an end to have other good things come around. Reassuring myself this after the news about Merry Go Round with Wynham and Casear is ending. I am really sad.
Does anyone know if Singapore air is a transfer partner of hsbc US ? Can’t find the info online and can’t log into my account
I got first statement for Platinum, called and asked about my application - still no - need bank letter - explained can't get it - told this is what I need.
Green card gets statement in a week, may end needing to wait the full 30 days from address change and call back and enquire

She did say I had opened two new cards recently close back to back - I did state I had the Green for 13/12 and she seemed confused - maybe they are referring to Checking Debit and Platinum that got opened 1 day apart
DP - I applied for the HH as credit card with Amex having had a Green 14/12 and Platinum 1/12 @ time of application. Had to verify identity - didn't understand if it was related to a change of address. As I did my second application with ITIN and my 3rd was only 1 month after that its as if I only have a 1 month history with Amex - the pre ITIN history was nonexistent - they can see it but it is classified as GT history - its as if the green card only got activated with ITIN added on profile. Need to wait for a HSBC US statement to show them proof of identity (they don't accept Amex Checking bank history - needs to be an external bank). Probably not an issue if waiting more than 3 months between cards but adding ITIN seems to change you on Amex back end

Not sure how it will look on credit file - have sent off to see if I can get an equifax account to be able to see file
From the available list I’
DP - I applied for the HH as credit card with Amex having had a Green 14/12 and Platinum 1/12 @ time of application. Had to verify identity - didn't understand if it was related to a change of address. As I did my second application with ITIN and my 3rd was only 1 month after that its as if I only have a 1 month history with Amex - the pre ITIN history was nonexistent - they can see it but it is classified as GT history - its as if the green card only got activated with ITIN added on profile. Need to wait for a HSBC US statement to show them proof of identity (they don't accept Amex Checking bank history - needs to be an external bank). Probably not an issue if waiting more than 3 months between cards but adding ITIN seems to change you on Amex back end

Not sure how it will look on credit file - have sent off to see if I can get an equifax account to be able to see file
If i dont have ITIN yet and only 2 months since my first - should i try and get a second card via GT?
My understanding from the phone call today is applying should not be the issue it’s the identifying you that may catch you up
If you have an external bank account statement ready to go that may be all you need
after 3 months it sounds like they are happy not to need to do this process and you are a customer
I've had an Amex Green for about 9 months now. Applied for Amex Platinum but got knocked back due to credit score apparently (FICO: 674). Have a applied for additional card too soon?