Superannuation contributions by credit card


Mar 14, 2022
Is anyone doing Beem BPAY using credit card for superannuation contributions?

It's a late(ish) night brain thought but Hostplus & Australian Super websites say they accept BPAY. If it works for ATO payments, it could also work for super?
Is anyone doing Beem BPAY using credit card for superannuation contributions?

It's a late(ish) night brain thought but Hostplus & Australian Super websites say they accept BPAY. If it works for ATO payments, it could also work for super?
I use ATO SBSCH to make super payments (much to the chagrin of the super funds).

BPay using Sniip has worked fine.
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So we have 2 topics here...

Paying employee super as a business owner and making your own personal contributions post tax
How did this go ? I am keen to know the outcome as I am planning to make some extra contributions to my super , so why not make more points :) ta
I have been paying employee's Superannuation using Sniip. To be clear - I use the ATO Small Business Superannuation Clearing House (SBSCH) which is accessible though the ATO online services Business Portal. I do not pay directly to the Superannuation Funds so I can't say if doing that would work. It takes about 10 business days for the payments to appear in the respective superannuation accounts, so we are mindful of the 28th of the relevant month when payment is initiated.
I decided to give this ago. I've made a contribution to my personal super account.

Looks like everything is going to work. Just waiting for the money to show up in my super account.
AMP used to accept credit car payments and even direct debit via credit card, but they stopped that

I use the small business clearing house and pay via credit card that way now
I decided to give this ago. I've made a contribution to my personal super account.

Looks like everything is going to work. Just waiting for the money to show up in my super account.
Thanks for the prompt. I’m also doing this and three months in.

The fee slug is a nuisance but it’s better than stock piling loo paper to hit cc targets. Changing the card via app after each churn is straightforward.
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I thought it was worth bumping this as maybe someone has had more luck in the last few months. I've tried paying Super to Hostplus via Zip BPAY but it is not accepted. Will go the Sniip route in a few months on some new credit cards but would prefer to save 1.5%!
I thought it was worth bumping this as maybe someone has had more luck in the last few months. I've tried paying Super to Hostplus via Zip BPAY but it is not accepted. Will go the Sniip route in a few months on some new credit cards but would prefer to save 1.5%!
Have just tried a payment to Hostplus using Sniip. Will see how it goes.
I used Sniip in April to pay super to Aus Super with no problems. Have since changed to salary sacrifice so not using Sniip for it anymore.

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