@mrsterryn passiveinvesting link is excellent
So if I create a TTR account with $1.8M from Accumulation account A
I can withdraw $120K a year (between 4-10% withdrawal allowed). And recontribute it to a new Accumulation Account B as a non concessional contribution NCC.
After 5 years, commute balance back to A before age 65
At age 65 the pesky Transfer balance cap starts rearing its head. And at age 75 no longer able to make non concessional contributions. At Age 65 Withdraw $360k from A and make a NCC to B.
So the most I can wash is $360 at 65,68, 71,74 = $1.44M + the $600k from the TTR period = approx $2M
(Assuming the superfund allows this and NCC annual limit remains at $120K)
If using Pension account, In order to remain within the personal TBC, need to commute the $120K per year or $360 /3 years back to A (rather than withdraw) then withdraw from A and recontribute as NCC to B.
In order to minimise the number of pension accounts need to commute back to B if amounts are all NCC or back to A if concessional contributions, then recreate the pension accounts.
Can someone confirm please...