Something is astray between the Vic Presser and the Commonwealth for while first dose is higher, the second dose is lower than the Commonwealth' figures. If real time both should be higher.
Mr Andrews: "90.5% of Victorians have now had a first dose, and 71.1% of Victorians aged over 16 are fully protected."
Today's Commonwealth figures for Victoria: 89.93% first dose. 71.81% second dose
- 20th (reported 21st) 89.58% and 70.51%.
- 19th ( reported 20th) 89.21% and 69.28%
So first dose up 0.35%. Second dose up 1.30%. Which is the same recent trend.
If that second dose rate is maintained, or at least averages 1.17%, the state average will pass 80% for second dose 16+ on the Oct 28th. If so the horse racing fans (I am not one) will be happy. But off-grid camping here I come