B737-700 | B737-700 |
B737-800 |
On time |
On time |
30 min delay |
I figure I'll just combine these last three flights as J on VA is pretty commonly reported on. I may also include some comments from the VA international flight yesterday evening that I forgot above.
Early check out from the Ibis BNE, walk over to the terminal, re-check bags (as they were already tagged to ADL by the DPS staff rather than being short checked) then up to the lounge.
The cabin crew were fantastic on all of the flights, regularly checking on the J cabin pax and being proactive with offers for extra drinks, food, or anything else. The CSM on VA48 was tireless: always there but not being obtrusive and when she did head down to the back galley, she told us to use the call bell if anything was needed and she’d be right back.
One funny thing this morning was that the CSM on the first flight (and same crew for the second) forgot my breakfast request, probably because most others in the cabin didn’t want anything. When I realised we were over half way through the flight I used the call bell to ask if anything was coming. He apologised profusely as had forgotten to note it down and one of the other crew members had eaten it. I was offered the other breakfast option, something from the snack basket etc, but didn’t actually need to eat anything. I’d already eaten in the BNE lounge and was going to spend an hour in the SYD lounge so it wasn’t a problem. On the next flight he was going to offer me a bottle of wine as an additional apology, but as I don’t drink he came by with an amenities kit instead. It was something I didn’t need but felt it would have been ungracious to also turn that down.
The 737-700 I flew two legs on had this sticker on the tray table arm-rest, uncannily similar to the AA problem.
Once in the cruise I tried it and everything worked normally, so not sure why the sticker was there.
Another thing about the -700 was that it didn’t have wifi internet access. Whilst boarding there was a cabin message and apology that the inflight entertainment wasn’t working (not just wifi) and that pax should download something for themselves if they wished. I’d actually received the same info about 48 hours earlier from VA via email. However, once on board I could connect to the wifi fine. On the first flight I only used it to monitor the inflight map, but on the second, I tried one of the TV shows and it played with no issues, so a bit mystified what the email and announcement were supposed to be about.
An image from BNE-SYD as we flew over the Hunter Valley ‘coal country’.
One from the hold point prior to departure from SYD. Pop-quiz: who will get to depart first after the landing aircraft clears the runway, us or the A380? I figured that with the extra wake turbulence waiting time required after an A380 departs, that we’d be off first.
No more bets.
Not only was it the A380, but after two minutes the VietJet A330 also departed, then a Rex Saab340, then us.
No feet on seats or bulkheads noted. No offloading of cabin bags due to overhead lockers being full.
The CSM on the BNE-SYD and SYD-ADL flights gave a longer (and more detailed) than usual spiel about the toilets for rows 3 and back being at the back of the aircraft. Even with no cabin divider that did appear to dissuade most Y pax from trying to come forward.
It was a beautiful day in Adelaide for my transit there, although the whole region all looked quite dry. A very pleasant 22 deg C according to the pre-landing update from the flight deck. It was another easy transit, although it was a break between tickets, so I did have to collect bags, check-in and then head to the VA lounge. Quite busy ahead of the Aus Day long weekend and maybe a few international guests already in there as I spied both a QR and SQ jet land after we had boarded, but were still waiting at the gate.
Well it was a lovely day at ADL, until this thing showed up.

The Hellship.

Let us all pause and give a moments silence for the poor unfortunate souls on board that thing during the photo, and to those who would have to board it for their nearly three-hour journey to PER.
A safe arrival in CBR, luggage returned quickly and then collected by the family.