Plenty of room, bus only got to about a third full after the 4 or 5 pick-ups.

Advertised as an 80 minute journey, and loyal to Japanese efficiency, it was an 80 minute journey.

Quite busy in in the termnal, and I stupidly joined the end of a rather long line. Took me about 10 minutes to realise that it was the security line, and I probably needed to check my bag in with the airline first.
Attempted to check in at the DIY kiosk, however that was a no go. So in to line I went, and an hour later I was checked in. Aisle seat confirmed, asked about the Singapore - Perth leg, and sorry only a window seat available. That put me in a bit of a downer, was sure I pre-booked an aisle seat. Consoled myself that it was only a hour and a half hour flight, so suck it up.

Security didn't take long at all; the line was about a quarter of what it was an hour ago.
Through to airside, and not much on offer at Haneda to get rid of your yen. Not much open at all, did manage a coffee, and from a severely stock-depleted 711, an egg sandwich and some chocolate bars to get rid of some coin.

JAL flight boarding was by bus out to the plane, and while seated and putting my passport and boarding pass in my bag, noticed on my boarding pass for my Singapore to Perth flight, the letter J, and the seat 5K. You beauty, my upgrade had come through and the mystery of my aisle seat booking was solved. More upbeat now, quick conversation with my Japanese seat mate who had gone to uni in Sydney, plenty of room in the 787, 2 - 4 - 2, and the roomiest toilet I've seen on a plane.
Flight passed uneventfully, was a quick transfer to my Qantas flight, and I was closer to home.

Spruiking the new Onitsuke Tigers