You will know when you have spent will get offered an account manager.
i used to be jealous of a guy who was paying a $700,000 telephone bill and then js posted that the ATO was trialling tax payments on credit cards. I think there are some pretty big annual spends out there where there are 2 commas in the numbers on a monthly and/ or quarterly basis.
A $700,000 telephone bill? heh heh... I wonder if he's ever heard of Skype!
But, I get your point, and you confirm my own - the ASA programme is not for the vast majority of QF customers...
... and remember that ASA was launched to deflect increasing criticism of the difficulty in spending QF points because seats were so hard to get. Perhaps not domestically, but you get terrible value for points on QF domestically, and you have to fly the abominable Jetstar these days...
I live in Byron. I had a Qantas Club membership until Qantas closed their Gold Coast lounge. Qantas excels in finding ways to drive their customers to other airlines - you can see that in the drastic decline in their international market share. I have seen this happen in other big companies when they appoint accountants to the top job - the focus changes to screwing the customer instead of delighting them. Richard Branson, who is not an accountant, knows how to treat his customers (and his staff) - and I fly Virgin Atlantic and love it. Virgin Australia is a much friendlier airline than Jetstar - don't forget when Jetstar launched they didn't allocate seats and they still threaten you with refusing boarding if you are running late, even if the plane hasn't started boarding... Only Ryan Air is as nasty to their customers!
ps: I take that back - Ryan Air has never grounded their airline and stranded their customers...
pps: another QF policy that infuriated me - having to fly economy from Tokyo, at the back of the plane, surrounded by noisy schoolgirls, because no J class classic award seats were available both before the flight and at check-in - and then discovering at least 10 empty J class seats after taking off...