I have seen the future for AA and it is ugly.Flying US PHL-CDG.
No checkin agents at all.Everyone must use Kiosks.Absolutely useless.Got right through to our seat allocation and put in that we had 1 checked bag eack when it defaults saying my passport wasn't recognised.So go through the whole procedure again.Get to same spot,says cant recognise my passport again.Have to enter details manually and comes up that it cant proceed and c all an agent.So taken to a bag drop agen t not busy and checked in manually.
The agent then asks me whether I live in Paris-no I live in Australia."how far is Paris from Australia?"I kid you not.So I answer just the other side of the earth.So her next question-"so how to you propose to get to Paris?".Gee I thought I was checking in for the Paris flight.
Double checked that the bags were tagged to CDG.
At least keeping up our 100% record for TSA precheck with US.Only 1 problem.There is no precheck line.Everyone lines up together and when you get to the agent checking passports you are told congratulations you don't have to take off your shoes,jacket and belt.
Only 1 xray working for carryons.We are about 5 and 6 in line for our bags to go through.And everything stops for 10 minutes.They then open up the second Xray but only allow direct access to it from the agents checking the BPs.When finally it starts moving one goose going through the body scanner has stull in his pockets-empties one pocket into a blue bowl but has another pocket needing to be emptied.And you guessed it repeated a third time.
Now through security are the BA J and F lounges.Didn't even try as so many reports that if flying AA entrance is denied.When you get to the AC you realise why.Incredibly small and people standing.We were lucky and got 2 seats in the hallway.
Wine not complimentary.Ask for our coupons and told in no uncertain terms we are allowed just 1 each.So an international pax in J allowed 1 free drink if with QF but if with the local program-stiff cheese-which it was.
So welcome to Doug Parker's world.