Day 53 - (cont)

Back at Circular Quay, ans was on the phone to a friend of mine that had moved to Sydney for work a couple if years earlier. He had seen a post on facebook showing that I'd be in Sydney and that we should catch up for a coffee.
So gave him a bell, got him out of bed and in his car to pick me up.
What followed was a bit of a Dumber and Dumber routine, as I didn't know where I was, and he didn't know the lay out of the CBD. Took a few phone calls and me moving around, but eventually found an intersection and a land mark that he knew how to get to. From the receiver I heard a 'No worries I'll just turn right', and thought you beauty, he's got his directions.
Few minuted passed and no mate, looked up the road couple of hundred metres away and saw the flashing lights. Was thinking surely not, when the phone rang, I straight away said is that you with the cops? Yep. Told him i'd be there in a minute.
Up the hill, mate had a smile on the face, he's a bit of a such is life kind of bloke, and I was not going to be backward in taking the piss out of him. Took a couple of photos of him and the cop, just in case.
'I thought you got directions of someone through the window'
'Yeah I did - the cop'
Anyway, mate told me the policeman would be a while, as he had a few tickets and that we should go for a coffee. Went up the street, came back about 30 minutes later, policeman still beavering away.
Mate had another discussion with the cop and 15 minutes later where on our way. Mate told me, lost the licence, be going to court in a couple of months.
Anyway, headed to Balmain to a Greek place for lunch, was superb. Tried to give the mate some money for lunch, wouldn't take it. No worries, i'm buying drinks at the pub over the road.
Now my friend is a hard worker, and he's had a lot of success because of his hard work. However he is also the luckiest cough I've ever met. Decided to throw the change from the drinks onto the pokies, 30 minutes later, had $1200 in the kit. My turn, got it down to about 500. Mate had to get to work, so couple of hundred each, said I may as well come to work and have a look.
To Redfern we went, met a couple of his workmates, then he had to prepare for work, so I hung around his room waiting. Cavalcade of behind the scenes people came in, asking where he was, telling me stories, basically and for me happily, telling me he's a good and genuine bloke.
Hung around with mate and production manager for a while, just having a good laugh. Was a really enjoyable way to spend my last afternoon.
Time for the mate to get to work said he only had to do about an hour then he'd take me back to the hotel. Said I could come and watch. Was the most boring hour and a half of my life.
Anyway, after the hour and a half, mate informed me day was taking longer than expected and wouldn't be able to get away, so no ride to the hotel.
No worries, bid my farewell, back on the train, back to hotel, shower, shuttle, then a last flight back to Perth and back to reality.