Velocity blues

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Aug 11, 2011
GO WEST! Midweek

So, it's looking like a full bus in Y. OLCI not working for the booking, Velocity online telling me booking didn't exist, Plat customer service apologise.

I get 3A locked in, with assurances of notes on the upcoming booking(s) referencing OLCI gremlins with my profile (unable to use on any O/S or platform of late), and that I'd get the booked seat, even if checking in 30 mins before wheels up.

In the days prior, I was also told at length that I can't use the Plat complimentary upgrade from a flexible far as my work travel provider negotiates bulk travel discounts.

All well and good, but I asked them to demonstrate that in the Velocity T&C, and they were repeatedly unable to reference the relevant section- though I'm perfectly willing to be proven wrong here on that point by other users and/or the DJ rep. The problem for them will be that my nominally discount fares which preclude me from using those upgrades, were not in fact discounted at all- they were rack rates. DJ, for reference, a discount usually refers to a lesser cost.

I conceded the point anyway, knowing an upgrade was a fair chance with Y standing room only on the 73H. This far from forlorn hope was my main reason for not flying QF, as well as their similarly timed not being a 332 or 763, but rather, another 73H...ah, the art of similar difference.

Meanwhile, a couple of Velocity Plat supervisors agree with my read that this isn't kosher, before they find themselves being overruled, trying but failing to succeed in bamboozling efforts by way of fare bucket references.

Result: Op Up on arrival. As ever, ground staff an order of magnitude friendlier than QF counterparts. And, blessedly for the frequent flyer, they're large garment bag friendly.

East coast lounge in question (SYD and MEL are neck and neck on this), revamped or not, remains the last word in mixed bag. The decor is redolent of a QF J lounge, the service and food echoes the Perth QP's high-school- canteen-on-a-bad-day feel, while the excellent bathrooms are a highlight, decked out like the east coast CLs/CBR J lounge.


Virgin Virgin J crew. Seven pax, five ticketed as J by my read. FAs noticably working off a PPT printout showing what goes where, what's served when.

A few points:

1) You really, really, don't need to load wine on a pre-dawn flight. The flight and cabin crews were quite unimpressed by the fact that this was loaded. It's not light. It costs money to lug all that booze across the continent, and all for nothing.

The arguments over this appear to have helped lead to a delayed departure. I get that it's 5 o'clock somewhere, but really...if your catering provider can't find you some decent wine on arrival at PER, tell me what they're charging and I'll do it for half price.

2) On a flight over four hours, it might be an idea to offer your premium pax the digeplayers sometime before the halfway mark. Just putting it out there.

3) Be consistent on use of the fore bathrooms. You don't have the communal space issur that you'd have on, say, a QF 734. Either tell Y pax no, don't cross that premium fare Rubicon, or say everyone is welcome, rather than alternating. I'm not terribly fussed as a plat in WHY or when in J.

The alternative, as with Eastbound, is to do a reverse Gorbachev: put up a wall. Of course, by "wall", I mean flimsy, white faux leather cord...but it lets people know where they stand. And that's usually further away from relief than was previously the case, but thems the breaks.

4) BSI is awesome. That is all.

5) Bringing back ye olde W fare on transcons would- even in small tranches (say another two rows on a 73H)- add depth to your offering, for reasons outlined in Eastbound.

6) DJ, it's getting hot in here, and like most corporate travellers, it would be unwise for me to take off any or all of my clothes. Seriously, turn up the a/c! It seems like a perennial problem on their 737s (not so on the Embraers) and as always, I wasn't Robinson Crusoe on this point.

7) Take the jackets of your premium pax before you start to taxi, not after.

8) Mineral water being offered with brekky is actually pretty awesome. Felt all EK. Good coffee. And as always, superb Madame Flavour tea. The rebranded Luke Mangan Karmarama, nee Emma and Tom's, is also a worthy staple.

9) Food's good on this morning flight, if not odd. A frittata with submerged (seriously) sausage- unusual, and accompanied by a tomato and shallot salsa, rather good unusual.

10) Comfort pack is a waste of space, but it's shiny and pretty, I guess. But if you're charging the same as those flying on a hand-me-down widebody, which you usually are, give us the decent amenities kit, thanks....might slightly offset the lack of PTV and better seat. The yield management fairy is yet to cast her spell on the price differences wrt these rather dissimilar offerings. She'd better get a move on.

11) Occasionally asking pax if they'd like anything is considered a plus by some- this really only happened in the last hour or so. There's plenty of us out there who don't like pressing the call button.

OVERALL: This is a decent offering that needs to be refined, and no doubt will be. QF single aisle J hits it well and truly for six at this point, without trying. If DJ were competing with other legacy carriers, it might be a different story.

Crew seem enthusiastic about the new product though, and hopefully they're able to drive the required improvements.

EASTBOUND- farewelling the iron ore curtain

Same problem as earlier sector, Velocity won't let me see it or play with it. Plat peeps assure me I've got 3A and that I'll have it despite not being able to lock-in with elusive OLCI.

Arrive at the airport, given 4D. JUST. WANT. TO. SLEEP. And they've given me an aisle, and robbed me of extra legroom....and put me where I can't ever get comfortable enough to get the required shuteye. My profile denotes window. Status and fare type means that even if not requested at booking (which was done here) I always get 3A by default. Check-in folks can't explain the move.

Lounge staff, while few and far between, apologise and can't explain how a Plat specifically booked with 3A gets trumped by another Plat who subsequently asks for the same seat.

DJ: Did you try OLCI?

QFM: It's funny you should mention that....reference to discussion with Plat folks.

DJ: Oh noes! Let us print the details of the pax we wrongly gave your seat to and display them for all to see!

QFM: Hmm. Not really sure how that's relevant. I'm going to pretend I didn't see that, but it'd appear I'm on a higher fare than [deliberately left blank], which makes this yet stranger. I'm guessing it's not your policy to make people who've paid more play pin the tail on the seat you clearly didn't want?

DJ: Oh noes, totes agree, but you should have told us about OLCI gremlins.

QFM: Kinda did. And you record people's calls, remember? But anyways.

DJ: Here, have a cookie- there's now a shadow in the middle seat.

QFM: Cookie no good, I noes there was 40 empty seats on the flight since this morning anyway, don't spit on my flexi "meal" and tell me it's frosting.

DJ: Oh noes!

Of course, she was much nicer than that, as was I- and I accepted that there wasn't much to be done. But I look forward to DJ's accounting for the many ways in which they've flat out misled or let me down over the past few days, including on this point.

QF would simply apologise and upgrade me after such a snafu, and everyone would be happy (has happened several times, easy fix for wronged and wrongdoer).

DJ's apparent customer is always wrong approach is frustrating in the extreme, and doesn't lend itself to me giving them more business.

The PER lounge is the precise opposite of the QP; it's small and quiet, similar in size to the PER CL, rather than large and busy. But The Lounge and QP are on equal footing in the mediocrity stakes. DJ win by default in terms of the overall experience, in that you can actually get a seat.

Or a couch, even.

And for all their unhelpfulness on this occasion, the staff are at least friendly, if not well-intentioned. This contrasts with the QP at PER, which appears to have offshored the operation to BA-esque lounge dragons.

Boarding starts early, which is a plus- always well prepared for the overhead locker great game.

3A, B ask for digeplayers shortly after takeoff, noting that no one in J is using them. They're turned down. Some welcome, albeit rather limited, schadenfreude ensues- after all, my beef is with DJ, not them.

"Meal" service begins. Now, I know this shouldn't come as a surprise, but I'm accustomed to DJ's old W/PE as J, where you're given the option of flexi and menu. To be told that $510 gets you no real meal is, even if you should be expecting it, somewhat surprising.

Bring back W, in addition to your new J, and you could grow the market. Don't charge me around the same QF would, then give me considerably less.

Same problem as the way over with the thermostat- temp controls are set for a December ARN-CPH flight, not a southern hemisphere transcon in sunny late October.

FAs are friendly and uber efficient throughout the flight.


Will probably move my retain plat bookings back to QF and likely sail past WP1, despite my concerns that it represents close to an affront to loyal FF members. DJ have done nothing to demonstrate to me that they understand the meaning of loyalty.

Happy for DJ to convince me otherwise- I'm still open-minded.

But at least with QF, preferences and loyalty are moderately sacred, and the quality of the product is consistently fine.
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Will probably move my retain plat bookings back to QF and likely sail past WP1, despite my concerns that it represents close to an affront to loyal FF members. DJ have done nothing to demonstrate to me that they understand the meaning of loyalty.

Happy for DJ to convince me otherwise- I'm still open-minded.

But at least with QF, preferences and loyalty are moderately sacred, and the quality of the product is consistently fine.

Thanks for a very detailed trip report. I found it interesting, entertaining and useful. I think you should email the whole lot to DJ so they may gain something from it.

As for your comment " Happy for DJ to convince me otherwise".......... how? You've stated all your bookings will most likely go back to QF.

As DJ is still well and truly in a transitional stage, I personally believe any long term decisions made on one experience is a bit narrow. At least some of your concerns can be recified (OLCI for example) and others will be in the fullness of time (IFE for example). I'm unsure of the fare bucket issues, but that has been mentioned previously by others (but not in the same context as you) and as your travel provider has negotiated bulk fares, surely they can also negotiate the J upgrade ability. Perhaps their negotiation particularly discounted this (fringe benefit tax perhaps) but maybe first talk to who ever was involved with the negotiated fares.

As for the upgrade you received, that's good, but the seating preference aisle or window, I think only starts in November (perhaps after the web site relaunch supposedly this week-end) and it would seem the ability for the current software to "hold" a seat is still problematic. Theoretically, provided your return flight was within two weeks of your tête-à-tête with DJ plat desk, then the seating selection should have been locked in. We do know the DJ software is somewhat problematic and I've no doubt they will be working on resolving this.

With DJ coming from a LCC base, there will certainly be growing pains. You've mentioned your belief of the QF WP1 programme as being somewhat disingenuous but vow to return your loyalty there because of what can only be seen as DJ teething issues. Here's your issues as I see them:
  1. Software issues: Seat allocation, seat preference, OLCI (apparently all these are to be addressed and rectified soon)
  2. Service/training issues: When to hand out digiplayers, policing toilet use (is the fwd facility exclusively J ???), when to take jackets, asking PAX if they require anything, heating control. (all these can be DJ your complaints)
  3. Hardware issues: Lounge food selection, IFE, (at least IFE is apparently to be fixed soon, the lounge offering....not sure)
And the benefits:
  1. Friendlier staff
  2. Leniency with carry ons
  3. Bathrooms at CL standard :rolleyes:
  4. BSI your words "awesome"
  5. J food (different/interesting)
  6. Can get a seat in the lounge
And the maybes?
  1. Fare buckets: Depends on the negotiated bulk rates......refer to your travel provider
  2. Expectation to always get 3A: .....your fellow plats may take exception to that notion
  3. Not a PAX issue at all: whether they load wine for b/fast
So when you look at the washup of your experience, the pros you mentioned outweigh the cons in number (I'm not going to attempt to weight them by importance to you), the cons can largely be rectified and more importantly are scheduled to be rectififed and you haven't mentioned the other DJ pros over QF (like priority boarding for example) and you've agreed that at least DJ is making positive change where as in your own words, QF changes are "close to an affront to loyal FF members".

I would have thought that perhaps the DJ experience possibly deserves a bit better trial than just one flight which it seems was predominently tarnished by a web glitch, but of course it's your choice to make.
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By way of context- this was meant as a hybrid assessment of DJ's nominally increased focus on customer service for HVCs, as well as their single aisle J offering. I'm an earned Gold and comped Plat- I'm fickle, but not so fickle as to damn an airline on the basis of two (comparatively short) sectors.

I will be passing on these comments to DJ, and it's how they react to it that will determine whether I give them more of my business, or revert to QF by default. If I seem fatalistic, or resigned to that course of action, it's because I'm going on my experiences with DJ's customer service folks thus far.

You say that DJ is in a transitional stage. This is true up to a point- the airline-defining changes driven by its current CEO well and truly take the L out of LCC. But they've had a loyalty scheme for quite some time, and they've an institutional understanding of J and J-like offerings throughout the group.

They are consistently sketchy in how they treat HVC customers, in my experience, and that of my friends and work colleagues. I've only ever been able to resolve issues I've had with DJ through friends in mid to high places there. It needn't be that way.

And it certainly doesn't need to be that way with offering complimentary upgrades to those same HVCs, where they've paid the full fare, and you tell them they can't, under an agreement with the travel provider, an agreement the travel provider doesn't seem to be aware of. The fare costs the same. It's out of the same upgradeable fare bucket. If it walks like a duck, and you're trying to entice people to give their business dollars to you, do the sensible thing, and acknowledge that it's a mallard. I'm not asking them to run an airborne charity. I'm merely politely suggesting that where someone is paying the top fare, which itself seems to contravene the arrangement the airline has with the travel provider, it's silly to make the process of trying to experience your new offering as enjoyable as doing someone else's tax return gratis, or dentistry sans anesthesia.

On the much over-hyped (IMHO) J toilet issue, I'm really not fussed. Happy for them to segregate.

On the bathrooms at CL standard comment, perhaps I should explain myself further :D - it's a mystery to me why otherwise consistent product offerings have completely random bathroom standards. The QF J Lounge at MEL is perfectly fine, then has a QP bathroom, regularly decked out with neither hand towels nor soap at peak times. DJ's gone the clean, modernised route at MEL and SYD with premium toiletries akin to the CL or CBR J Lounge. It's a noticeable positive to my mind.

I don't have an expectation that I always get 3A. It just happens by default. And having booked it in this instance, and having been told that I'd have it notwithstanding OLCI issues, it's not an unreasonable expectation for that to actually happen. 3A on DJ to me is like getting 4A or 11A on a 734- it's not fate, but rather close to it. And I can live with sitting somewhere else. So long as I've made that choice, or someone's offered me something better. In this case, neither of those things happened, DJ don't have a CL equivalent explaining a move elsewhere at CI (which in my experience can usually be reversed or compensated for, anyway) and there wasn't a bassinet-related reason why it occurred.

In short: I hope your confidence that the bulk of these tech or service issues will be resolved is well-placed.
Thank you for putting the time in for writing such a detailed report, from my experience if you send these details to Virgin you will receive a reply and they will look into these issues to rectify them. They sound like teething issues at this stage, as one would expect, but feedback from guests is so important as it can offer a prospective not thought of or not given enough attention.
Thank you for putting the time in for writing such a detailed report, from my experience if you send these details to Virgin you will receive a reply and they will look into these issues to rectify them. They sound like teething issues at this stage, as one would expect, but feedback from guests is so important as it can offer a prospective not thought of or not given enough attention.

Where are you emailing feedback. I only fly VA and have earn't Gold with few complaints. However, when I have had an issue there is absolutely no interest. :(. I emailed an issue recently which went to Gold customer service and got a reply saying it had been forwarded to the guest service centre to be answered within 21days. 21 days......... 25 days later no responce. Tried again, same outcome. The lack of interest disturbs me a bit when I recommed VA to everyone.
They are consistently sketchy in how they treat HVC customers, in my experience, and that of my friends and work colleagues. I've only ever been able to resolve issues I've had with DJ through friends in mid to high places there. It needn't be that way.

I am a loyal DJ Flyer Platinum the hard way and 100 SC off re qualifying and I will say this to you and everyone else out there Guest Services are the down fall of DJ, their replies are condersending and are taken from a template. I took 12 months to resolve an issue with them and their replies were full of lies, I got to the stage when BG was CEO that I wrote to each Director on the board. It has been a while since BG has gone but that department is still appauling. Every other department I have dealt with the Platinum Velcoity people to Senior Mangement, Cabin Crew, all ground crew except OOL are great. So by pass them and email JB himself, he takes the time, answers you back a lot quicker and gets things done. When he passes issues on to managers they follow through. Here is an example of promt management action last Sunday no priorty boarding called for flight to MEL I asked the person at the gate and he said no prioroty boarding as OOL is a common user terminal mind you the 1pm to Sydney got one and every other flight I have taken from OOL we had got it, I sent a text to a Senior Manager and had an appolgy before the doors closed, also got a call that night from the DJ regional manager airports apologising. Unfortunatley you have to start at the top, but if enough people voice their concerns something may be done and we will get a better Guest Services Department.
Where are you emailing feedback. I only fly VA and have earn't Gold with few complaints. However, when I have had an issue there is absolutely no interest. :(. I emailed an issue recently which went to Gold customer service and got a reply saying it had been forwarded to the guest service centre to be answered within 21days. 21 days......... 25 days later no responce. Tried again, same outcome. The lack of interest disturbs me a bit when I recommed VA to everyone.

This is just from my experience when I had a small issue a few months ago - your experience sounds shocking! Sounds a bit hit and miss....
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....So by pass them and email JB himself, he takes the time, answers you back a lot quicker and gets things done.

I'm loathe to press the call button on a transpac, in any sending an email to the CEO ain't my thing.

Threshold issue is more that it's a serious problem if the CEO (read immediate staff) has to take a personal interest to sort stuff like that out.
I'm loathe to press the call button on a transpac, in any sending an email to the CEO ain't my thing.

Threshold issue is more that it's a serious problem if the CEO (read immediate staff) has to take a personal interest to sort stuff like that out.

At least that CEO cares about passengers, I respect your right if you dont wnat to send an email, but my thing is sending the email and if it gets the job done then I am happy traveller who would recommend Virgin Australia over Qantas.
The DJ running hot and cold saga continues.

Short east coast sector on the weekend- one PE pax (on a hot day) complains that the a/c is too strong, asks for the temperature to be turned down. Cabin crew acquiesce. A number of Plats complain that it's now too hot, they say that the one person in front of us is actually multiple people (impressive counting that, given they'd only just come into the cabin and we could overhear the conversations happening directly in front of us) asking.

The crew repeatedly promise to do something about it, but wait until we were about to land to make it more comfortable.

Flight back- perfectly fine.

Flight earlier in the week, another short sector. Staff at gate call the flight, inviting pax to board, but then don't do anything to facilitate that for 20 minutes. They can be overheard complaining about the fact that the flight hasn't been catered, but don't bother to tell anyone that. They don't tell pax over the PA that everyone should sit down, leaving elderly pax and a bloke with crutches to stand in line. They refuse to talk to customers, instead chatting away with techies. All that was required was for them to simply tell everyone to chill out, catering's on the way, we'll do our best to board you soon. Instead, they visibly avoided talking to pax.

A mixed bag they remain.
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