Personally, I'd be happy if PB was *offered* to holders of certain types of Veteran's cards and anyone in uniform. If someone doesn't want to flash their card or step forward, then hang back. I bet some Veteran pensioners would appreciate it though.
Announcement on board - not so much.
Yes to lounge access offered to 'higher' forms of Veterans (what I'm meaning is not fully able as a result of service and/or above a certain age - it could be worked out). I think one of the things they have in large US airports is some sort of 'lounge' for those flying in uniform? Does anyone know who pays for that? Maybe our large airports might chip into the cause too, and subsidise the lounge access. I'm sure they would like to make a concourse announcement as to how generous they's been

I'm also not against an initiative just because its 'American' - I think pro active recognition of those who have served their country - especially those who have come off the worse for it - is admirable. Just got to find the right balance.