The missus was booked on home bound flight ex-DPS on the 10/11/15, but as I was suppose to meet her in DPS 2 days ago and my flight was delayed, I chose to cancel the entire trip. She was there with a group of girls for a Hens. Couple girls were able to catch the recovery flight home last night and got to the airport early enough to notify the rest of the girls, including my missus, that there were atleast 15-20 seats still empty. So everyone, without a confirmed flight, was able to rebook at the airport and catch the flight home. Although the flight got delayed by some 3 hours, apparently because the airport wouldn't let them take off for some reason.
So if you're ever stuck in this or a similar situation, and want to get out early, there are lots of people who have been booked for the recovery flight but won't check their text/emails in time to make the recovery flight so you can risk going to the airport and trying your luck.