By my calculation you will need ~203000 velocity to transfer to kris to get 150000 KF accounting for the 1.35:1 transfer rate. You then need your velocity account linked to your KrisFlyer (go into your velocity portal and find the tab “link to partner airlines” or some such)...set that up and then you go to transfer to partner airlines and enter the points Amount you wish to transfer.. it’s pretty immediate from memory between leaving velocity and showing up in KF (minutes???) you then either book online with KF through their website or you can phone and book... given the complexities with this one I wonder if it might be better to phone.
On a seperate note I am not sure but technically I think Singapore could revoke pts/status credits for her flights over as essentially the cash ticket is being voided... whether they would or not don’t know... if they have already been put through it wouldn’t be a drama and they may not in any case but it could be a grey zone.
Finally mate I commiserate with you and feel she is being a bit unfair but this is probably not my place to comment (too late).
Thanks @PhilandJosh .
Had already checked the mySQupgrade option and nothing could be done there.
Have resigned myself to spending 200k points.
Pity about the extra 45k points for Advantage but I won't take the chance of WaitListing and then missing out.
Also, as every day passes I take the chance of a business seat not being available.
Am prepared to lose the status credits (70) and points (approx.5k) from the economy ticket.
Yes, I know it's a poor use of points but the event is/was significant.
My wife, 2 siblings and a cousin went to the UK to help celebrate their Aunty's 90th birthday.
It was and still is an emotional trip as the Aunty is the twin sister of their deceased mother.