So.... trip report on that one....
..... I fronted up to CBR airport at some early am.... sadly traveling with a big bag cos had camping gear..... asked CLEARLY as suggested that I wanted my bags to be checked in all the way to Christchurch..... first staff member had no idea.... second staff member seemed even less interested....the separate "sectors" proved too much.... and to top it off, of course my DJ flight was really a code share Air NZ flight, so extra complications that I couldn't get managed without me going mental and it was so early
So yep they would only check me into Sydney and I had to suck it up.
Which sucked cos as it happened my 630 flight was scrapped due to technical dramas, we were all moved to a 705 flight that left after 715.... then due to air traffic control "issues" in Sydney we had to circle Sydney for a while, so instead of arriving in Sydney at 720..... got there at 820.... I had a 930 flight from the international terminal in SYDNEY. Great. Stress levels climbing....
On the plane we were told to "go to the transfer desk and let them know we were coming". Of course the transfer desk staff had no idea why we were told to go there, but I did manage to ohmygodweneedtransferpassesourplaneisreallylateweneedthemnow and got free transfer passes for myself and other random passenger who had a 930 flight also.... didn't mention virgin status, just overwhelmed them
picture 2 guys running through the Virgin Sydney domestic terminal to get to their bags..... that if they had been checked through would NOT be happening.... of course we get to bags.... no notice at ALL as to which carousel our bags come onto.... so I ask and I wait. Wait a bit more. Then wait. Oh my god it's my bag.... 835 by now.... stress levels climbing....
Go outside to find transfer bus. Easy, hand over transfer pass, nice, wait a while while other passengers complain about having to pay, yep, finally leave terminal..... oh wait this isn't the Qantas transfer bus so of course now we go OUTSIDE the airport between terminals and get stuck in traffic.... AGH.
Finally we arrive at the international terminal and I delicately make my way to the NZ check in counters, at about 855.... lucky it's dead and they are VERY helpful.... check in bag, starting to relax a little, but still have to pass immigration. Again, lucky was quiet, finally made it to Air NZ lounge with 10 minutes to spare..... a bit sweaty and ugh.
So summary: not having bags checked through all the way SUCKED. Of course, Sydney airport sucks in having terminals so far apart.
Please Virgin, get this sorted out.... It really is substandard!
That's the story finished, but I'll add some extra bits I thought interesting pertaining to my Virgin Gold status....
1. On the two international flights I have taken on VIRGIN metal I have been given express path thingies.... once leaving from Brisbane and today arriving into Sydney. Have not had this on the Air New Zealand metal, on the code share.
2. On the last air NZ flight, my status was recognised by me getting a newspaper and a personal greeting, oh as well as some Bose noise things.... which I didn't use anyway. Didn't help me get free food though

every other passenger in my row was getting food.... haha but then I only paid $120 for that flight so care factor LOW....