Was on a flight recently with a known exec, a fallen high flyer, who IMHO behaved like a complete tosser.
Started with:
the LV carry-on and suitbag.
requesting a Crown instead of pre-departure beverage - served with glass
requesting another one when glass collected, stored in seat pocket and drunk during roll and takeoff.
third one (which finished the supply on board) before we reached cruise!!
keeping mobile on well past announcement, and indeed never turned it off... indeed swapped iphone for ipad 30 secs prior to takeoff
then in flight made known to crew that he knew JB personally and had indeed emailed on Xmas eve.
More interestingly he pointed out something on boarding pass (presumable The Club) and then commented that he had got a personalised delivery, and a big black box complete with card and Samsung Galaxy tablet to welome him.