I'm going to be the Devil's advocate here and suggest an (almost sacrilegious) notion for debate:
Does anyone really NEED to eat and drink on any domestic flight less than 3 hours long? I use 3 hours, because it is the average span of work time that is allocated to any public servant before they are entitled to a break.
For example, take a flight from Sydney to Melbourne. It's under 2 hours airtime. Is that cup of coffee/water bottle, or breakfast omelette/cookie on board absolutely necessary? Imagine the volume of waste that one flight would generate and multiply it by every domestic leg in Australia of a similar duration in one day. Then multiply that figure by a week. Then a year. Kinda makes your head spin.
Now, before I scramble to change my username amidst cries for my scalp from the lynch mob - please humour me and do this simple exercise: Stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself this: "Do I need food on a short flight - OR do I want food on a short flight?"
Be brutal with your answer people....
I did it five minutes ago. And the sad truth is - I just like the attention that being served anything affords me. There's no health benefit, I don't really need the food. I just like the privilege of eating nice stuff in the air. Would I be just as happy chatting with cabin crew, or immersing myself in work while I fly? Probably. Would I die of hunger before we touch down? No. Would the money saved by serving no food, be better spent on a fabulous new airline seat or a massive discount? ABSOLUTELY.
Please, for the love of God - tell me there's someone out there who isn't sharpening the pitchfork..................