I am actually appalled by this response. My family are not academics but medical practioners! On a number of occasions we have volunteered our services when travellers were sick or had panic attacks! Flying drunk is irresponsible and I'm am concerned that either Qantas or Emirates have allowed you to fly in such a state! Makes me rethink flying with either airline again! Shame on you!
Sorry all, but although it is late (midnight local?) I am unable to sleep without responding to this. Will try so hard to be civil.
I am far too obsessed with minute details. I am like this in every area, but in the interpretation of language used in "social media" and the era of texts, it is actually a valid emphasis. Much of communication, or all in an online forum, is dependent on understanding the small clues that bland text include that replace the more natural non-verbal clues that are actually vital to good communication.
Here, in response to this latest post by the OP, I must again focus on the use of non-word clues. And the classic phrase: " My family are not academics but medical practitioners!"
Lordy lordy, we get into even more sin.
So now I am understanding from the OP's message that she considers medical practitioners to be yet a higher level of humans. So amazingly so we need another "!"
She has elevated her status from academic snobbery to disdain of intellectuals who are not doctors!! I have known a few doctors. And I know some feel it is a special area. But the best doctors I have known (thank you all!) (and by the way, that was a correct use of the ! ) are people who treat their area of expertise with pride and seriousness, yet do not need some inflated misconception of superiority. If you are good at what you do, be it a heart surgeon or a baker, you have value.
So you have volunteered services when medical emergencies arise. A noble thing, if done for altruistic reasons. But again, I go beyond those few seconds of your life, to analyse the the total impact you have on people. I sense (not know) that you have also caused simple airline employees such distress that they needed to call security. How does this balance on your table of worth? Do you even think of this? I suspect not.
"Flying drunk is irresponsible". Why? I am not paralytic. It helps ease the boredom that truly frequent flying imparts. If you attracted security, you have already managed to surpass the impact I have ever had on others. Not a mean feat given the low level of travel.
And I have witnessed many other drunk travelers being barred - the airlines and staff know their job - they are also professionals, even though they may not have a doctorate in "whatever". But you are highlighting the fact that a drunk traveler who is calm creates less problems than you yourself create due to your outrage and misconceived perception of worth.
Aaaarrrggghhh - sorry all for my outrage. Just some people get under my skin.
For christ's sake, threatening to splash this thread over social media? I think the OP has shown just how well anything she posts will be received.....