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Be careful with this one - most likely a KYC requirement the bank needs to satisfy. If not satisfied within a certain amount of time, they may block access to the accounts entirely.A change of subject to an old favourite. two of our big banks have got up my nose this week.
First ANZ. I got an ANZ cash investment account when I started using ANZ share trading. Because of that I don't have an ANZ registration number,an ANZ telecode and ANZ itself has no record of any of my telephone numbers over the last 30 years. Without those you can't ring any ANZ customer service number. They do not advertise an email address to contact them.
In the past this made no difference as I could download ANZ statements from the share trading platform. However ANZ are now out of share trading and the platform is run by Cimic.
Problem I did not have 1 of the statements for the 21/22 tax year. I am sure I never received it as all super correspondence goes into one basket then sorted. I wasn't worried as I could print out a list of transactions from the Cimic platform and that list was accepted by the ATO. But not by the Super Fund Auditor. they needed the ANZ statement.
So into the local ANZ branch on Monday morning. First thing you notice. no tellers. You line up to talk to a coordinator. My turn comes and I think this should be quick all I want is a statement. Think again. The coordinator says I can't put in a request for an Investment account so I will get you an ANZ registration number and a telecode. She taps away at a computer for a while. Then goes and talks to a fellow sitting in one of the 4 cubicles. Comes back and taps some more. Sorry I am going to have to get you to speak to our head consultant. Please take a seat.
In a bank those 4 words should strike fear. So I waited and finally the head consultant comes over and I get taken to his cubicle. The problem is that accountant is a share trading account and we no longer do that so we cant get you a registration or a telecode. But there is still a share trading department so here is there card with their direct telephone line and email address, They will be able to help you.
So off I go home and first use the phone. The call gets diverted to Cimic and they say sorry you have to get statements through ANZ. So I send off an email and get an automated reply. This email address is no longer reviewed and will soon be removed. Fortunately a few minutes later I get an email from Cimic by a fellow who knows what to do. You get this sort of statement from the ANZ Wealth Management department and gives me their email. off it goes.
Next morning a reply yes we will get you a statement. It will be emailed to you sometime in the next 1-2 working days!
Second CBA. Every 2 weeks for the last 6 mrsdrron has been getting emails from the CBA telling her to come into the branch to have her ID rechecked. So today into the CBA we go. Again you line up to see the "concierge". But at least they still have tellers so the line is shorter. Mrsdrron gets to the front to be told One of our staff can deal with that but their will be a wait of 45- 60 minutes so please take a seat. Wait that long just so someone can look at your passport. no way so back we will go another day.
Fortunately as far as I am aware we have no dealings with NAB or Westpac.