To get Precheck from TSA, you need to be a US citizen, U.S. national, have a green card. Otherwise, you can get it as part of a Trusted Traveler Program
There are 3 TTPs that could come with precheck. Global Entry, NEXUS, and SENTRI. NEXUS and SENTRI are for entries into the US from Canada and Mexico, but can come with GE and precheck access in some situations
Global Entry is the most useful to people outside North America (or those from the US who travel outside NA). Currently citizens of US, Argentina, India, Colombia, UK, Germany, Panama, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan and Mexico can apply for Global Entry (Canadians are expected to get NEXUS). The Netherlands had been on the list, but the US/Dutch agreement expired and there has been no movement on renewing it.
Just having precheck membership (either directly from TSA or via a TTP), does not mean you will get access on every flight. Travelers are vetted for Precheck every time they fly. You also need to be flying with an airline that is part of the program (though all US domestic carriers are). TSA does not guarantee that precheck holders will get precheck access every time they fly.