What is Virgin Australia's strategy (post-administration)?

And right on time an article on time ASBC about the ATC shortages. With there still being a long wait for the problem to be lessened.

I noticed the PM was quite chatty whilst sitting next to JH at the tennis (I assume it was him getting booed and not her) 😆

What not conspirancy theories posted yet about VA Beyond lounge? 🤣
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I’d expect some noise around a IPO in the next fortnight ish if the plan was May this year. Still crickets…

Certainly appears the CFO left on unfavourable terms. Would love to have been a fly on the wall in that resignation meeting. I do find it slightly concerning that someone of his calibre and experience (Dan murphys IPO) left. Obviously the Americans disagreed with him.

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I’d expect some noise around a IPO in the next fortnight ish if the plan was May this year. Still crickets…

Certainly appears the CFO left on unfavourable terms. Would love to have been a fly on the wall in that resignation meeting. I do find it slightly concerning that someone of his calibre and experience (Dan murphys IPO) left. Obviously the Americans disagreed with him.

IIRC May 2025 is the date (at the latest) they'll want iirc due to loans being due around that time.

Knowing their recent history it won't be anywhere between Q1 and Q3 of this year.
I wonder if a plan b, or even c is being actively worked which is more along the lines of a trade sale.

The market for IPOs still doesn’t appear great this year and the business certainly isn’t humming in a way that would be attractive to public investors.
A hypothetical trade sale would also usually involve the 'usual suspects'.

That middle eastern carrier would be still eying a stake in light of their rival TK getting more rights into Australia, whilst on the other side, you'd expect the mentions from the wider Media from "ol mate" in Singapore, with the outcome from those folks 99% of time, they usually end up being "tyre-kickers".
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On the other hand, QR, EY & SQ might be happy to just let it be, and not buy into VA3, but just rev share.
Any airline that puts $ into VA3 is just putting good money after bad.
Thus nothing would affect their assets and liabilities, but they would still earn $ from selling seats on each others flights.
I let you put your airline code and bum on my seat on my plane, and you let me do the same with yours.
Like the very limited (new) bespoke agreement that VA and (Air)NZ have started talks with/up again.
Who knows, it might be that another non aviation owner buys into VA3, maybe a VA (ven cap) from Asia.
Who know, in the end, we are just speculating, not ideal.
The normal offenders already get what they need from VA in terms of feed, no need to invest. Such a waste of money.

Qatar has a new boss, remains to be seen if this is still a focus.
The normal offenders already get what they need from VA in terms of feed, no need to invest. Such a waste of money.

Qatar has a new boss, remains to be seen if this is still a focus.
Considering 2 of the 3 mentioned were former shareholders (and one of the two failed three times: Ansett (indirectly via a minority stake in NZ), Tiger and Virgin 1.0). It's probably best for them they stay out financially, especially since the other has been a minor partner since QR took over their role as one of the two Westbound partners.
Well you might as well close it until any hint of an IPO arises.

Either hear something the in the next fortnight, otherwise come back in exactly 12 months.
Like who would be interested in buying?

Scrawled across the sales documents would be a disclaimer that on time performance and flight times don’t constitue part of the sale, nor does working IFE, nor are customer-focussed staff or call centre agents, or anything but water in Y.

Not looking like a fun ‘bundle of rights’. :(
and flight times don’t constitue part of the sale
To be fair Qantas/Jetstar makes the same disclaimer. I thought any public transport services wouldn’t be able to guarantee their schedule but sadly that’s not common knowledge apparently so I don’t fault airlines for saying that explicitly.
To be fair Qantas/Jetstar makes the same disclaimer. I thought any public transport services wouldn’t be able to guarantee their schedule but sadly that’s not common knowledge apparently so I don’t fault airlines for saying that explicitly.
Very OT, but when the Melbourne Metro transport system doesn't meet certain targets (that are displayed at all train stations) they offer compensation to travellers.
As in if you have a regular pass they'll throw a few extra bucks on your account.

Airlines, at least in Aus don't offer anything like this.
To be fair Qantas/Jetstar makes the same disclaimer. I thought any public transport services wouldn’t be able to guarantee their schedule but sadly that’s not common knowledge apparently so I don’t fault airlines for saying that explicitly.
Totally. But I was being a bit tongue in cheek that from a sales perspective, there's nothing really to sell except an 'idea' of an airline.
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Recently I sat next to a 2nd officer who had been in Mel for 6 monthly simulator check and was going back to Perth. so plenty of time for a chat... I asked him how Bain/VA were doing and he said emphatically they had already (this was mid Dec) made back thr money they outlaid to buy VA.

One cud argue that a 2/O wouldnt necessarily know the company's full financial position, but he said it was a private but acknowledged fact within the company.

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