I had a QF domestic connection to EK in Brisbane one evening. The domestic flight was hours late so my relaxed transit was now will we make it. The staff in the lounge said it's an good, they'll page you if needed. Given the tight time frame and the of day- around 10pm departure from BNE, I thought that the might be an announcement on the flight with a 'passengers connecting to flight xx go to here'. There wasn't, maybe someone at the aircraft to rush me to the transfer bus or maybe taxi- no.
I'd never used the airport operated shuttle before, the airline one had finished, so finding the stop and waiting took precious time but it eventually came. Given the lack of information from QF, I wasn't going to fork out for a cab - they mustn't want me to rush too much given the lack of information to the contrary and being a work trip getting the next flight was not the end of the world. Get to the international terminal, luckily I'm the only one at security and Immigration and set off at pace for the gate, meet by EK reps halfway there, wondering where I was, hey my connecting flight arrived less than 30 minutes ago.
I'm the final pax on board, do the walk of shame, my neighbour asks where was I, after telling my story he says they made an announcement that they were waiting for a passenger who had failed to board, not mentioning a late connecting flight was the cause. The groundstaff at least knew I had a connecting flight, that's what the QF/EK thing is all about - seamless connections ( it was one booking).
At the end of the day the flight pushed back on time, but my bags missed the connection. I get just as frustrated with those who take the mickey, but as far as the people who saw me board, I was one of THOSE people, when I wasn't. Really truly.