This one infuriated me. At CBR a couple of years back and I had a handbag hook in my expensive blush leather handbag. For those who don't know, you use this to hook over a table top and suspend your handbag so it does not have to go on the dirty floor. Despite being called a handbag hook, there is no sharp part on it at all - the hook part itself is totally blunt.
The securtity guard (young male) clearly had no idea what it was and confiscated it. I protested, as at that time I was travelling a lot for work and the hook had been through CBR several times with no issue, as well as SYD, MEL, BNE, DAR, PER and HBA - also with no issue . I asked why it was being confiscated, and he said it was a weapon. I offered to unfold it to show him it was totally blunt (much blunter than a permitted knitting needle, for example). Several other women in the line chimed in agreeing with me, and even one of the security staff also told him it was not a weapon, and should be given back to me. He refused to budge and threatened to call the police if we did not all desist and move on. I was actually really upset about this. It's fair enough when you have stuffed up eg Mr Seat 0A's Swiss Army knife, and I've lost a few pairs of scissors over the years, but this was just total BS. And inconsistent BS at that.
Anyway, I stomped off to the J lounge and started a couple of consoling drinks . A few minutes later a person who introduced themself as the Qantas Manager approached me in the lounge and wanted to know what happened. I don't know how he knew there had been a ruckus. I explained, including showing google example like below. He agreed it was ridiculous and left. 30 mins later he appeared with my handbag hook and told me to put it in check in for the future. Which is fine, except that it misses the point of a handbag hook, and ignores the fact that it is not actually a banned item - nor should it be.
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